(REQUESTED) Jacob Frye x Reader

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Prompt/Request: Can I request a oneshot that goes like
"You should break up with him/her/them"
"You asked for my opinion, don't get pissy just because you don't like it."
"You're not the only person who's hurting."
With Jacob Frye?
Where Jacob is in a relationship and he wants the reader's opinion on the woman he's with and she states it and he gets angry and reader mumbles the last part? And in the end Jacob goes to find the reader and finds out she moved/died?
Sorry if it's too much but I love angst!
Pairing: Jacob Frye x Reader
Relationship: Best friends(one-sided love)
Requested: loverofvideogames
Warnings: ⚠️Heavy Angst, Severe Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Self-harm, Eating Disorder, Insomia, Swearing????⚠️
Notes: I got this request in my DMs because they were saying the comments weren't working for them. Also I was told they wanted to change advice to opinion, sooooo yee. Also I hope you don't mind but I changed it a little bit.
Pronouns: She/Her

Jacob Frye. The man you loved so much with all your heart and soul to death. You practically worshiped him, you'd be whatever he needed. A shoulder to cry on, someone to pick him up when he's drunk and alone, a friend, a defender.... a sister.... that was all he ever saw you as. It absolutely broke your heart when he said. "(Y/N) I love you so much, you're always there for me, your like a better version of Evie, a sister!" He had said to you.
It broke your heart even more when a week later he came back to the train with some woman you had never met! You were sitting in his car reading, whilst waiting for him, and you see him come in-shitfaced- and with a woman at his side. Dear lord it hurt. But you held a disgusted facial expression.
He looked at you and then ordered you out. You nearly cried, you held your composure as much as you could and closed your book and walked out and shut the car door behind you and walked to your car and opened the door and walked in and closed it behind you. The moment the doors closed, you fell to your knees and sobbed. The man you loved so much, just kicked you out and locked the door on you.
After that, you hadn't eaten properly, you busied yourself with missions. You didn't sleep properly either, you trained, you hated yourself, you would think up all the different reasons why no one would want you. You started cutting. You felt worthless. You talked less. You didn't smile anymore. You hid your face with a bandana and your hood. And Jacob was so dense he didn't realize what he had done to you.
Then it all led up to Evie finally noticing the bandages that wrapped your wrists under your bracers. And the bags under your eyes, your slimmer figure. Your less laughing and talking. She gently lectured you on how you need to start taking care of yourself and how you need to stop hurting yourself.
    You only sat there in silence, listening to Evie. And the only thing you had to say was "Sorry". She immediately noticed your tone and stopped pacing and went over and hugged you. She soon started to tell you to talk to her if you're feeling upset. And to not lie if you're okay or not. She hadn't figured it out that it was Jacob who made you this way.
     You went back to your car after she finished lecturing you. Once you had closed the door, you walked over to your bed and sat down. You flicked your hidden blade open and started cutting your wrists even more, every spot that didn't have a scar or cut, you cut there.
     Your wrists and forearms were bloody, you nearly passed out, but you held your ground, you got up and went to the pale of water you always have sitting the corner of your train car and you start to wash off your wrists. It stung but you liked the feeling.
Soon enough you searched around for your strips of cloth. You did find them eventually and wrapped your wrists. After that you finished cleaning up and went out of your train car and went to the missions board. You found some small missions for Clara and went off after ripping the corner of the page to signify that the mission is in progress.
     You left the train when it stopped off at Southwark. You quickly got off and made your way to the cotton mill and was about halfway there when you heard your name being called. "(Y/N)!" You heard the unmistakable voice of Jacob Frye behind you. You stopped and turned as he smiled and walked up to you. "Are you on the way to the mill? I was about to head there myself when I saw that the corner of the parchment was torn! And judging by which corner it was torn on I kinda knew it was you." He chuckled.
     You faked a smile. "Yeah, I have been doing missions to keep my mind busy." You lied. You only had done missions by yourself to hopefully avoid Jacob. He believed your lie and smiled.
     "Would you like to do this liberation together?" He asked. You shrugged and turned and kept walking. "Okay then, I will join you" He said with his alluring smile. You sighed. "Also I wanted to ask your opinion so I was also looking for you." He chuckled. There it is. I was waiting for his reasoning behind following me.
     "Go ahead" You mumbled as you two kept walking. You didn't want him around, truth be told. He only reminded you that you were just his sister(metaphorically speaking) and that he couldn't see you any other way. It now hurt every time you were in the same room as him.
     "What do you think of the woman I'm courting? I got Evie and Henry's opinion, and the rooks already approve of her. I haven't gotten your opinion." He said with a grin. You sighed and stopped and turned and looked at him
     "You want my honest opinion?" You mumbled. "My honest opinion is that I think you should break up with her." You said monotonously whilst looking him in the eye. He looked shocked then angry.
     "Why? Why would you think that? Don't you want to see me happy? I love this woman and you are willing to say something like that!" He started yelling. You flinched. Never had he yelled at you unless he was calling for you when he was shitfaced but that type of yelling was understandable. He was full on angrily yelling at you. "Is this how you've felt since I brought her back to the train?!" He shouted. You flinched again.
    "You asked for my opinion, don't get pissy just because you don't like it." You shot back. "I'm going to tell you now that she will leave you because she will find someone better who will satisfy her!" You yelled back as you shoved your index finger into his chest accusingly. He looked pissed.
"You're stepping over your limits (Y/N)." He warned. He listened to you rant about how she will leave him and he will be heartbroken and will come crawling back to you. "(Y/N)! ENOUGH!" He shouted overtop of you and gripped your forearms. You winced in pain. He didn't notice. "Go home." He whispered. You opened your mouth to retort but he spoke up quickly. "GO. HOME!" He shouted. "Pack your things, you're moving cars" He mumbled. "I'm hurt that you would say such things" He said low enough that he thought you couldn't hear.
You froze. What? He was forcing you to move cars? He was hurt by you? It was understandable why. You're guessing he's had enough of you and trying to get rid of you. You started to tear up, "Don't worry, your girlfriend can have my car to herself, because I'm not moving cars, I'm leaving completely." You whispered as you pulled your wrists out of his grip and back away. "Make sure to wish her my best with you. And to give her the money from the mission, because your going to finish it." You chuckled sadly with tears falling down your cheeks. "Just know, Jacob, I know you will get your heart broken and you'll come looking for me." You said as you turned and walked back to the train.
You looked back one last time before disappearing into the crowd that he was just standing there, shocked, at everything you had to say. You smiled knowing he would be happy with her for a while. But then you also knew she will break his heart. You walked to Lambeth since thats the route the train was headed on. You started to run knowing you would only have a small window to get on.

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