006 | another erlebnisse

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Ash moaned in annoyance as the rays of the rising sun troubled his half-opened orbs. It was almost five and while he usually wakes up a bit earlier than that but the incident from yesterday had still taken a toll on him in both physical and mental ways. He couldn't even sleep properly; internally panicking just with the mere thought of facing his mom and explaining her everything. 

He groaned and got down, tossing the blanket aside. His usual messy hair looked absolutely chaotic and dark circles framed above his faultless cheek bones. He dragged himself to get ready and within fifteen minutes, he was making his way reluctantly towards the dining room. He was bothered but kept his formal and unconcerned demeanor perfectly fine. He was too good at this now; flawless masquerade of being utterly fine. 

He entered the dining room where he was greeted with warming smiles and 'good mornings' from his servants. He could only respond with a small nod. It wasn't as if Ash disliked associating with people but some mistakes made by others he trusted, made him cling to the conclusion that sooner or later everyone would leave. He couldn't really bring himself to have faith in anybody else now, except his mother and friends that he had known long enough. 

"Have you seen mom, Jim?" he asked as soon as he sat down. The butler polietly looked up at him after he had placed the delicious tartine on the table. He looked puzzled. 

"Mr Ketchum, your mother left for Japan yesterday and she will stay there for some days" Jim informed with a thick French accent lacing on his notes. Ash stopped mid-way devouring the breakfast as he furrowed his brows. His mother wasn't home and he didn't even realized that? Coming to think of it, she wasn't there yesterday, standing outside his room to lecture him when he comes back.

"But for what?" 

"Mr Morrison died yesterday evening and your mother left for Tokyo as soon as possible to pay her respects. She might call you after her 12-hour flight. Until then, she asked me to hand you over these important documents related to the Hawaiian Hotel Project" Ms Kendra smoothly informed him after entering the dining room, her arms professionally cradling a red folder.

"I see" Ash mused. He felt glad that his mom was out of station. It will give him time to think of some believable excuse. And perhaps, Serena would be kind enough to not tell anyone about it for that matter. Besides, she hasn't called him yet - Ash frowned slightly as he popped another tartine in his mouth.

 Besides, she hasn't called him yet - Ash frowned slightly as he popped another tartine in his mouth

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