Our Unforbidden Love Chapter 36

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Nick's Pov:

I open my eyes slowly, I look around the room. At first I see a clock, A digital one. I finally squint my eyes to see the date, and it's Monday? I left on Friday, I squint again and dart my eyes around the room and figure out I'm actually in a hospital.

I think it again.

"WHY AM I IN A HOSPITAL?!" I yell not to loudly.

Then I hear a grunt and movement to my side, I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I turn and place at the person who's sitting on the arm chair.

It's Tony. He's so surprised, he's dare I say ecstatic. I smile but then feel a jolting pain in my head.  I frown and hold my head thinking it'll feel better.

Tony starts to speak but I can barely hear anything, and just like that- The room goes blank as I lay my head down on the soft hospital pillow.

-Aubrey Lupin

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