Chapter I

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In a middle of nowhere stood a terrifying looking iron fortress, a area with massive wall hiding many secrets, the walls covered with barbed wires and cctv cameras, it was a top secret facility,

But this wasn't nowhere, it was the city of mumbai, once a land of dreams now a barren land,
Seeing it now people ask what happened? When did it go wrong?
Well, WAR happened,

This city was the economic capital of India, a country that crunches on numbers, who's hobby is mass production and top quality, where teenagers and kids outnumber the adults, where culture overpower science, a country of wonder,

the fortress wasn't a fortress either, it was Indian military's research facility.

All of a sudden, all the alarms started ringing, the whole place blinked red and blue with alarms,

At the front gate of the facility were two guards slouching behind a slightly opened iron gate.

The buzz of the alarms snapped the guards back to reality,

"W-w-what happened?" Asked guard one to the another, both baffled by the sudden shock,

"Something happened" replied the other, frantically looking around,

As they turned back the finally realised their big mistake and decided that they have to let the higher ups know about this,

Their comms rang,

"Umm.. sir there seems to be a emergency" guard one stuttered,

"That's there reason the alarms are ringing, idiot" the higher up taunted,

"Sir we're sorry sir, what my colleague here meant is, we slouched on duty, and there might be an intruder"

"What!? I don't have the time to deal with you two baffoons now"
Saying that he cut the call.


"Ahh, I understand, we will be sending backup as soon as possible" a high ranking officer in a dark chocolaty uniform of imperial japanese army said on the phone call,

He clicked on a speaker button on his table

"I want to see, private nishimiya at my office"
He ordered,

A few minutes later a young private entered the office,

He looked around 18, his sandy hair were neatly combed. His hazel green eyes had a glint of sadness in them, but that sadness was masked with the playful smile on his face.

"You asked for me, general?" Asked the private,

"Have a seat private nishimiya ryozuku" the general ordered,

"Alright, if you say so" he replied,

"As you know,
Three years ago, hell broke down.
2020 will forever be remembered in the human history as the year of the devil, the dark year.

First came the corona Virus from China, a masterplan by china towards world domination, the pandemic lead to economic depression and world hunger,

Soon,  started the cold war which lasted for a year and finally the world led war against china, everyone picked sides, and China's plan backfired,

The war led to a nuclear fallout, only 20% of human population remained, every country was devastated and the ones still standing started a arms race to attain the title of worlds new superpower, and that lead to this second industrial revolution,

During the war we sided with India, a contender for the world's power, and now they need our help,

I want YOU, to get there as fast as you can"
The officer explained,

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