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.(w/n) = wrong name 

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩.𝟒 | 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩.

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Second person's point of view:

After a long hug, you two looked at each other with your slightly puffy eyes "wow you look..amazing, going back to c/n must've really helped" she looked at you figure with a gentle smile "mhm, like you said! doing something with my life feels amazing" you exclaimed, it feels as if it was forever since you last cried while looking at yourself in the mirror.

"I thought you said you worked out, did you mean a diet or did you just try to lose weight?" judging from your figure, you didn't look like at all that you gained muscles, your world shattered in a second at her remark but none the less, you smirked and lifted your sleeve up flexing your big bicep.

"What were you saying again?" a snicker made its way to your lips making her roll her eyes playfully but still felt them nevertheless "wow, they're pretty hard, make sure to give me the workouts later" she said looking amazed "feel my babies, kiyoko, feel them" you joked pulling your sleeve back down, you were what was called a "lazy builder" it was both good and a bad thing.

"Just a friendly reminder; I have muscles too bitch." she lifted her skirt just a tiny bit, making her thigh muscles look more noticeable and the tights were really helping, you two were definitely going to hit the gym together.

"Aren't you afraid someone will pass by and see us, especially the perfect queen kiyoko" you teased her, knowing she's not very fond of that nickname "oh please, when did I ever care about what people think" a small chuckle escaped her lips "please teach me your ways, oh kiyoko-sama~!" you adjusted your voice to make it seem like a fangirl while looking at kiyoko like an idol.

"Speaking of people; you should've seen the way they treated me earlier during lunch, talk about pretty privilege." you rolled your eyes and mentally compared the way people treated before changing and after, kiyoko must've went through the same thing pretty often.

Now that you took a clear look of her she's gotten so much more beautiful "do you want to get something together to catch up?" feeling blinded by her beauty you shyly asked, it came out more as a mumble though "sorry, I have to finish my job" after giving it a thought, the girl remembered that it wasn't in her hands to decide whether to hang out together or not

"kiyoko-saann! where did you go?!" a loud man scream echoed in your ear, the girl infront of you sweatdropped and her face went from a gentle smile to her usual expressionless face, taking a peek behind her you saw a guy with a bold cut looking left right with bawling eyes and his teary eyes lit up when he saw familiar raven black hair "noya! I found her!" then another shorter guy came with the same expression and both of them came sprinting at the two of you while hugging themselves.

"Y/n take a step back." you did as told and the guy fell harshly on the ground "is he okay..?" you whispered with a confused yet worried expression while she just deadpanned at him, they quickly managed to get up as if nothing happened "kiyoko-san, we've been so worried about you!" the bald cut guy exclaimed "yeah, we thought you got womanapped!" a small chuckle escaped your lips at the last line the shorter guy said, it was a funny remark, at least to you.

When the two heard your chuckling, their expression didn't take long to change going from a worried mother to an embarrassed little boy who looked like a blushing mess "let's go, y/n." kiyoko grabbed your hand and walked with you to the gym, you looked back on the two and gave them a quick wave along with a smile "if you want, you can watch the practice on the bench with me and we can go home together" she suggested while walking, sounds like a great deal.

"Ryu..I'm sorry" nishinoya mumbled under his breath, his expression turned serious all of a sudden with his eyes following you "I can't continue our bond for kiyoko-san" he looked up at his friend "no noya! you gotta be strong, you gotta be loyal to our kiyoko-san!" tanaka grabbed both his shoulders and gently shook him "she's not 'our' queen anymore, you must carry on by yourself" tanaka clenched his teeth, dramatic (fake) tears ran down his cheek "no..!"

The two looked at them one more time and saw the girl's smiling as she waved at them "well..it's understandable" nishinoya's lips curled into a smirk at his friend's remark "I'll always be a fan of kiyoko-san, but I have fallen for w/n!" he proudly declared, it was love at first sight for the guy..well, second love at first sight.

"Go for it noya! let's do our best" the two high fived each other and walked back to the gymnasium "wasn't her name something like y/n though?" the taller guy remarked "nope, pretty sure it's w/n! in the future it will be nishinoya w/n..sure has a nice sound" and just like that, the two went to a trip in their fantasies.

If he had the same feelings for kiyoko before then what's the difference with w/n? will his feelings change or remain the same? is it even true to begin with? that was a question nishinoya yuu was going to solve in the close future, if he manages to talk to her of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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