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skynews Jacob Mills has pleaded guilty to 3 accounts of rape and causing grievous bodily harm with intent to do so against ex girlfriend, Sophi Mehl. This comes 3 months after she was found in his rented villa in Naples, Italy. Mills will be charged tomorrow.

View all 421 comments

username rape? fuck off. That makes me feel sick

username ew ew ew ew

username fuck this guy. Hope he gets locked away. That's disgusting

username 3 accounts of rape? Who does this worthless little prick think he is

username Was she present at the trial?

username She's so brave for getting through all of that

username How could you hurt someone like that? I'll never understand

username 🤢🤢

username what an evil man

username thank god she's alive. It could have ended worse

— View 2 replies

username I know!!! Glad she's home and with Harry now

username is she still in Italy or have her and Harry come back to London?

5 hours ago

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