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— flashback —
(before the announcement that Harry had cancelled his tour)

Harry's hands shake as he scrolls through his contacts to find his mums number.

The line connects. Harry lets out a sigh of relief as he hears his mums voice.

"Honey, how are you?" Anne says gleefully.

A couple seconds pass. Harry doesn't quite know what to say.

"Mum, can you come to the Royal Free Hospital? Like right now?"

"Hospital? W-what's wrong? Are you ok?" Anne stutters. Immediate panic runs through her body.

"I'm fine- it's Soph." Harry mumbles, tears beginning to fall from his eyes once again.

"Soph? What happened?"

"She just started bleeding. And cramping. She was screaming mum. I-I didn't know what to do." The tears begin to fall quicker as he remembers finding Soph.

He'd been watching the tv when Soph screamed his name. It was piercing.

Harry ran towards her voice. He found her in the bathroom, hunched over on the toilet. Spots of blood covered the floor.

The idea of getting Sophi to hospital himself seemed impossible. She could barely walk without wincing. He rang the ambulance instead.

As they waited for it to arrive, he kneeled beside her. Wrapping his arms around her waist and rubbing gently circles on her stomach.

Now at hospital, she's currently being seen my countless doctors. This comes not long after being told she's miscarried.

That word sent Harry into a spiral. His eyes blinked rapidly as he glanced at Sophi. She was emotionless. Shock clearly overtaking anything else.

"...I'm on my way darling. I promise. I'll bring Gemma ok. Just sit tight ok."

"He's gone mum. Our little boy is gone."

𝚓𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚊𝚑 / Harry Styles Where stories live. Discover now