I have to tell you something.

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Not edited.

"Come on Elizer."
Samira says laughing, as she runs under neath the great ock tree.

Elizer was right behind her as he caught her by her waist both of them falling on the soft blanket.

She laughs as he holds her close.

"I told you you can't run or hid from me cause I'll always find you."

Samira laughs, why would I want to leave you. I love you". She says  words so easy.

He smiles but the smile don't reach his face.

Grabbing both her hands kissing them .

"You know as long as we're together your always be in danger."  He says not looking at once at her playing with the ring on her figure not once looked. At her.

She pulls away slowly gathering his face with both hands as she looks in to his eyes.

"I know as long as your with me, your never let any harm get caused to me."

Placing a kiss on his lips.

Samira jump out of bed holding her racing heart.

It took her a moment to clam down. Looking around she finds herself in Jered room. Glancing at the time that shown 1:00 am.
Pushing herself out of bed she heads towards the kitchen to get a cup of water.

She stops when she heard Heard voice. It should like he was  talking with a person.

"Why don't you just listen to me for once." A female voice broke in as he was talking  more like yelling.

"I told you many times I don't want to hear it. Ever since you found out I had a mate you been wishing bad on me!!"

He spat the words out.

"Jered that's not true and you know it, I have always worried about you and Elizer."

She was cut off by his laughter.

"No, you never worried about me. Better yet my brother. The only thing you would be worried about is becoming queen."

With that being said Samira heard the back door slam, she didn't have time to run so she stayed put.

He stayed put leaning his head on the door flame as if it took alot out him.

After recovering he turns seeing her.

Giving her a half smile he walks to the fridge pulling out a water bottle.

"How are you feeling, he asked passing it to her.

She took it taking a long gup. Wiping her mouth her her arm.

"I'm doing a lot better. That's for asking."
  He nodded staring off into space.

Time seem to past before neither of them spoke.

"who was the girl you were talking to?"

Samira watched to see if he would answer, after a long moment he  spoke.

"She's just a child hood friend nothing special."

"Well from what little I heard she seems to care about the both of you."

"Samira," he says her name like it pained him.

"Around hear you always keep your gaurd up."

Don't let it down for anyone not me or my brother."

Samira was confused she wonder why was he telling her this.

"Lacey she's throughout our child hood she always wanted to become queen.
So don't believe anything she tells you."

He finished his sentence.

She was just about to say something else when he did the  most unthinkable thing.

Stepping closer to he he leand down kiss her forehead.

At the same time she closed her eyes. She didn't know why. But at the same time she felt all these emotional.

After he pulled back he gave her a soft smile heading  to the guess room on the opposite side of the house.


That same day Jered step out the house. And Samira decided to say.  She didn't want to say or do anything that would make him sent her back to that mad house.

As she was in her thoughts, her phone beging to ring. She frowned the only person she knew who had her number was Jered and Vada.
Looking at the in known number she let it ring till it stopped.

She got ready to go into the kitchen when she head the vibration of the phone again.
But this time it didn't last that long.

With shacky hands she reached  for the phone as the screen lite up showing her one new message.

Her stomach was doing flips taking a deep breath open ing the message.

To see Vada's name.

[ Samira I have something very important to tell you when you get this call me back ]

After reading the message her finger we to hit the call button at the same time Jered walked in the house with groceries.

With the phone to her ear, it begin to ring. Hitting to button, she calls out Vada name but she doesn't get an  answer from her But another voice did.

"Good morning My sweet Mate."
The phone slips from her hand hitting the phone.

Jered was at her side in a flash.

"He found me." She says over and over staring off into space.

She could see Jered pick up her phone trying to figure out what happened.

"Samira, who found you?"

He asked playing with her hair trying to smooth her.

"The Lycan he found me."
She wispered the words with unshed tears.

Jered shook his head with a sad expressed "Samira, it's something that I need to tell you."

Hiding From the king( Book 2)/ Not EditedWhere stories live. Discover now