It's true

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I cut him off because I didn't want to hear it. If it had anything to do with the Lycan. Then so be it, I done put up with a lot from him in the past couple of months then I ever in my life.

I still had so many unanswered questions and if I'm locked up how will they ever get answered.

I stare off into space play with the neckless, that was given by the Lycan, or that's what I was told.

It made me wonder what relationship did the Lycan and I have.

There was a low sigh, turning my full attention back to Jered as he leans back in the chair.

It made me wonder what was going on with him.

"Jer" those were the only words that came. Before my mouth started to water as if I had to vomit.

Taking deep breaths one after another, a light touch rubs my back as I'm trying my best to make the nausea go away.

After some time I felt better.

Going into the fridge I grabe a bottle of water. Popping the top I didn't even get one good slow before it came back up.

Jered was at my side then, holding my hair out the way, once I was done again I bushed my teeth.

As I came out the bathroom I see him sitting with his hand folded in deep thought.

Jered what's the matter, he looks at me for a moment.

'i have to take you back.' he says.

I walk away not wanting to hear it.

He out of the chair like lighting.

'would you stop being so got dang stubborn and listen to me,'

I give him my full attention.

'Elizer is missing.' no one hasn't seen him for days.

I shack my head this isn't new to me, when I was at the pack house he always disappeared his the king he can come and go as he please.

'the Lycan is fine, he always use to leave some times he was gone for weeks,' I say walking past him.

'Samira, this time is different.'
I stop in my steps facing him.

'how so?'

He runs his hands through his hair more then once.

'Jake told me the last time he saw Elizer was five days ago. He was sitting in his office, doing nothing.'

He told him that a big meeting was coming up and he wanted Jake to go in his place. Not thinking much about it. Jake left that night, came back today. And the pack house looked like hell.

He didn't know what was wrong or what to do that's when he...'

I throw my hand up to slince him as all types of emotion was running through me

'No, your lie. This can't be real.
This can't be.' I say over and over more to myself then out loud.

He can't be gone. I just saw him weeks ago. When I decided to run away.

afraid to speak cause my voice might break with these unknown emotions.

Hopping from my seat I begin look around, the whole time I could feel Jared eyes watching my every move. Probably wondering what I was doing.

Digging in the pillows of the sofa, where I hide the back up flip phone.

Now at the time I hide the phone so I wouldn't be tempted to call Elizer, since he was the one who gave the phone to me. And I'm happy that it was still working. Powering it on, I diled the only person that would tell me the truth hoping and praying that it was all a lie.

The phone rung more then once. As it leaned against my ear.
It was a muff sound before her voice came throw clear in the speaker.

"Hello" her voice held something strange. Like an emotion or some type.

The question burned my throat as I tried to think of a right way to ask.

Before the words could come to the surface, She begin to cry.

And right then and there I knew I knew something wasn't right. And everything that Jered told me was true.

"Samira." She said my name with so much hurt and disappointed.

"Why did you leave." She asked

"Vada," my own voice broke. How could I tell my best friend that Elizer hurt me.

The next day when we slept together. That's a day I really don't want to remember, tears started to form in my eyes.

"Vada," my voice broke 'tell me

what happened?'

I wanted to hear it for myself from the person that was there.

I heard her take in a shakey voice.

'He left that night after talking with Shanaile.' that's what I was told but no one don't really know when he slipped away.'

But a lot done happened since you left, and when we all needed you when I need you you weren't here!' it was a slight eadg to her voice.

She took in a deep breath before before continue.

"Shanaile told use that he was going to the bridge to clear his head" She pluses, 'he was gone for hours, and hours soon it was days, and Jake was gone to a meeting, and we all tried reaching him but couldn't.

She sighs. As I head moving in the phone, I was just about to hang up when..

'Samira, it's me Shanail'

December -15 -2020

November -30-2020

Hiding From the king( Book 2)/ Not EditedWhere stories live. Discover now