Chapter 18

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Mike was chasing everyone around the backyard until he got to push everyone into the pool. Then Vallyk and Tamera were taking too long inside to bring stuff so Mike and went to check it out.



Mike: let's go check it out
Y/n:yea ok

As we got closer we heard a third voice.

??:hello you must be Mike and Y/n
Y/n: oh hello Mrs. Pena
Mrs. Pena: aww you guys r so cute together. She said as I looked over to Y/n and she was blushing and Tamera got angry but I could tell she was trying to hide it.
Y/n: thanks
Tamera: Vallyk where are the snacks now I am hungry
Y/n: me to you guys are taking to long to bring the snacks
Mike: y'all are talking too much Vallyk hand me the snacks
Vallyk: ok Micheal. He says as he throws the snacks to me
Mike: Valleria dont start
Tamera: no I am not taking part of this
Y/n: neither I it's between the boys
Vallyk: see don't call me that
Mike: ok ok let's go outside

We walked outside and started eating snacks and talking.

*3 hours later*

We went back home and slept right away. I was exhausted and I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n.

*the next day*

Y/n: I am going to the store y'all want something
Tamera: can I come with you
Mike: I wanna come too
Y/n: ok Tamera you driving this time
Tamera: ugh ok
Mike: ok let's go

*at the store*

We were calmly shopping for stuff until we heard gunshots. I couldn't see who was shooting because they had a mask on then the person aimed the gun at me. Then I heard y/n say.

Y/n: Mike be careful. She said as she pushed me away then she got shot twice.





We were calmly shopping then we hear gunshots. Then I saw the the person aiming at Mike.

Y/n: Mike be careful. I said as I pushed him to the ground.

Then I felt 2 gunshots then suddenly everything went black.


Mike: y/n wake up wake up Tamera call 911 fast
Tamera: yes yes that's what I am doing

*10 mins later*

Mike: Tamera she is losing a lot of blood quick
Tamera: they should be here any minute calm down

Then we heard sirens they put y/n into an ambulance. Then it reminded me of  when she got shot few years ago.


Y/n went into surgery and we have not heard anything from them since then. It has been a couple hours. My hands were into my face.
I have called Lisa and Alexander to tell them what happened they said they were on their way here.

Tamera: don't worry it's going to be fine she is going to make it I believe in her
Mike: Tamera she saved my fxcking life
Tamera: Ik she did and here the doctor comes
Doctor: family of Y/n Rivera
Mike: yes

We are not from blood but she is still my family.

Doctor: we have good and bad news
Tamera: start with good
Doctor: we were able to take out the bullets from her but the bullets were too close to her lungs giving her a slim chance to survive she has a 1% chance of survival and it would take a miracle for her to wake up and she is in a coma.
Tamera: thank you
Doctor: he nodded and left
Tamera: can we see her
Doctor: yes but one at a time
Tamera: thank you

Y/n is in the hospital again because of me for the second time. Fighting for her life.

Tamera: do you want to see her. She said as her voice softened
Mike: mhm
Tamera: let me walk to the room. She said as she was wiping my tears
Tamera: and your eyes are puffy
Mike: they are
Tamera: yea they are ok now let's get you to y/ns room
Mike: Yea ok

I saw devices all over the room. It reminded me of she got shot a few years ago.

Mike: hey y/n why did you have to save me why didn't you let me get shot.
Y/n: .....
Mike: just know that I will always love you

Then I heard the device peeping and I looked at the device showing a straight line meaning she might dead. I checked her pulse and I didn't feel anything. Then doctors came in rushing.
And I left the room in tears.

Tamera: woah woah what happened in there
Mike: she might be dead. I said as my voice got a lot deeper
Tamera: how
Mike: the monitor she didn't have a pulse anymore doctors are in there
Tamera: hey Lisa
Lisa: hey now where is Y/n. She said and I looked at her
Alexander: no Mike she can't be
Mike: I was talking to her then the monitor started beeping I checked her pulse there  wasn't- anything then the doctors are in there trying to help her. I said as my voice was cracking

   Lisa fell onto the ground with her hands on her eyes. Crying.

*20 mins later*

   The Doctors came into the waiting room.

Doctor: family of Y/n
Tamera: here

   Then they came walking over to us looking at the clipboard.

Doctor: Y/n is ......

Thank you for reading this chapter. Pls share, comment, and vote. Thank you so much for 2k reads 🥳🥳🥳. I know I left you guys on a cliffhanger. Y'all can guess if is survived or not.  Bye Love y'all.

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