Chapter 1: The Horde.

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There is three of us alive.

Me, Riley


and Sonia.

Ellie is my best friend. We've been best friends for 3 years now, it seems like forever.

But anyways, your most likely wondering whats happening. So the zombie apocalypse randomly broke out so now us three are trying to wiggle our way up to fimd someone else alive. So, well, yeah.


Oh crap.

"Riley! Help me!"

I rushed towards the sound of the screams, in fear, in horror.


"Riley, help!" I finally reached my destination and burst into tears at my sight.

Ellie was bit, almost her of taken off.

I quickly took my gun and put the end in his neck, then shooting him. Blood everywhere, on Ellie, on the ground, on me too.

"Sonia! Ellie's been bit!"

I heard her footsteps stomp in the stone warhouse we were in.

"Ellie!" Sonia screamed at the top of her lungs.

Ow. My ears. She screams loud.

Sonia quickly took a shot and a bandage out of her pocket, and jabbed the shot in her right leg, quickly wrapping the bandage around it.

"We don't have much of this." Sonia said, "When it runs out, you'll be dead."

Ellie's still holding her leg and shrieking.

"Let's move." Sonia said, placing the shot and bandages back in her pocket.

I helped Ellie up. She smiled at me with her cute little smile.

"Thank you." she wispered.

"Anytime, Ellie." I said, smiling back at her.

"You two quit flirting, I hear something."

Sonia's practically the leader of the group. She's too serious about everything.

Sonia stopped dead in her tracks.

"It's a horde! Riley, put her down somewhere and come help me!" She screamed, taking out her sword.

Slash. Scream. Grunt.

I layed Ellie down and I took my shotgun out of bookbag. I stared at her for about a minute or two...or more, she looked hurt and sad and I didn't even realize....

"I'm ready."

"I got 'em all already." Sonia said putting her sword back in its case, then on her belt.

Wow, Sonia's good.

So then, I picked up Ellie and we continued to walk along this warehouse's halls.

"We need to-" Ellie coughed, "Sleep."

I agreed. "Sonia can you keep watch tonight?" I asked. Ellie yawned.

"What, you don't think I need rest too?! I work harder than you! I'm not watching tonight." She replied.

"Guys, just find a closed off room and find a way to enter it and then close the entrance off." Ellie said with another yawn.

Oh, wow. Ellie's smart.

So, Sonia nodded in agreement. We set off to find a room. Soon enough we found one with a steel door and we locked it shut.

"I will sleep lightly, just incase." Sonia said as we all curled up together to keep ouselves warm on the floor of the stone warehouse.

I wonder what events happen tomorrow.

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