Chapter Four Where Is She Now

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The Annabelle doll is currently in a case in with a sign on the glass reading: "WARNING POSITIVELY DO NOT OPEN." The doll still showed signs of violence while in the Warren's care. As they traveled home with the doll in the back seat, the car stalled repeatedly on every corner making the power steering and brakes fail. After almost colliding with another car because of this, Ed Warren poured holy water over the doll and they made it home safely with no more strange automobile failure. Ed also reported that the doll levitated off a chair when they returned and would turn up in rooms randomly. The Warrens built a special case for the doll after Father Jason Bradford, a Catholic exorcist friend of the Warrens, got into an almost fatal car accident after tossing the doll and telling it, "You're just a ragdoll Annabelle, you can't hurt anyone."

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