23) Life

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He smiled until he opened his eyes and saw the mass of bloody demons and humans staring at him like fresh meat. He was so freaked out he hid in the nearest shadow, which was Samael's. Said demon king found it difficult to get him out of it, considering he's the king of Space and time he felt pure humiliation and embarrassment.

Tsuna had to step in and help out with his soothing flames..
In the end that whole picture gave Rin a freaking nightmare - he also didn't know which he found more scary - back then when Satan knocked down the door that day in the monastery or this.


Third POV

"Soo.." Rin began looking around the throne room of Gehenna which he sees for the first time.. Well~ all castles of the Royal family were legally new to him.
While everyone sat like during the remembrance event (the Video's), Rin stood still in the doorway... or partially in the Gehenna gate they came through. Rin took a slow sweep of the room with his eyes before deciding that yes, he was so out of there. Moving his body back into the Gehenna gate he felt the disapproving frown over the link that was sent to him from his Sky.

So, turning around awkwardly and completely out of the gate (which Satan promptly closed for good measure) he sighed at all the looks he got.

"Come on, let's get this over with and go Rin~" whined Ray floating around Rin's with slouched shoulders. Rei snorted, the whole thing rather resembled an interrogation in the court room of the old Vatican to him.

While the cameras were still on from last time, everyone was curious as to where Rin would sit. Said ninth son of Satan figured by the looks he got what the others were thinking so he decided to mess with them a bit.

He went away from the doors (which the gate had been in front of) only that to stop when the corner of the table the mafioso were occupying was in symmetrie with his body. He lifted one leg only to lift the other and...!

stayed in mid-air. Which resulted in some people and demons to drop to the floor in their imagination.
While most composed themselves Rin looked at one of the cams only to open his mouth resulting in the one sending the footage to immediately switch to that drone.

"Hello and Hi to everyone out there! *waves hand and grins* I'm Rin. Or as some people/demons better know me as/for:
Rin Okumura, the spawn of Satan or that guys ninth son *some snorts were heard*. Wielder of the blue flames, brother of the Baal and the brother to the youngest Excorcist in history, Yukio. ....Demon, monster, Nephilim, bastard son, disgrace, pawn, tool, toy, vessel, shame, useless.. *he was counting on his fingers, eyes closed and in a thinking pose while leaning backwards?* did I forget any?" he looks over his shoulders towards Rei and Ray at the last part.

"How about ours or the ones they gave you without them *points at the Royal family and mentally some former classmates* knowing its you or us?" Suggested Rei snarkily which got Ray to smirk an amused grin next to him at the notion of revealing those.

Rin sharing the underlying temptation of naming those shared Ray's look and started listing Titles and other associations given to him/them.
"Ähem! Guardian of the Vongola decimo, Gehenna Guardian as well as Annihilator of the Estraneo famiglia. Beater of Astaroth's ass in a match~ Shadow. One of the top assassins in Gehenna, ..Idol...., respectable demon in the higher circle, wanted recruit by a high class family. Brother (-in-arms), valued fighter, conspirator, Omnivore, Rin-san/-kun or - nii by my friends and family" Rin finished directing the last sentence while looking at the Vongola family with a smile.

It was very clear to everyone which life he preferred.

>Excuse me, uhm, Rin-san? About the [Day of Rebirth] and our - or humanity in general's- ability to use a type of magic since then... is it because of you?< asked a student at Oxford who had opened up a study group with that targeted theme.

Rei floated over to the drone. "Hello, my name is Rei and I'm Rin's personified blue flames~ Regarding your question, yes."
Now that threw some for a loop. How did Rin...! How should they even word it?! It's so absurd but interesting at the same time.

"How?" Enma fixed an intrigued stare on him.

"You all know how we went (died) back then no?" Ray asked in return. The comments were filled with statements like >Yes, it was all over the newspaper back then< >The Illuminati had to explain some things together with true cross Academy when everyone stayed seeing demons< both Rei and Ray then looked at Rin in a motion that suggested handing over the torch.

Sighing Rin said still floating in mid-air in a mixture of bored and irritated: "So~.. Guess I will start when I collapsed and you guys gave the Vatican Order's Exorcist's hell
- thx btw for dealing with Angel but I wished I got to at least punch the guy - anyway! I lost my strength and slowly my awareness slipped, I went unconscious and met up with Rei to talk over the situation. We heard you speaking, though it was kinda.... " he pressed his lips together and frowned slightly in thought, moving his hands in a circle looking for an answer.

"Well, let's just say we didn't outright hear everything that was said. Sometimes we only heard one person, than yelling or pieces of conversations. I had decided that I may have been childish with my behavior toward Ray, who didn't have a name, back then. I mean, he behaved just like my blue flames when we disagreed during my... exwires days."
The emotions leeching Rin's statement made some in the room cringe. Those definitely were some of the worst days that the Nephilim went through.

"Anyway. We heard from Yuki and Yoru - who I met for the first time - how everything in existence was about to perish so~ I didn't want that. I decided that the only way to stop those rotten gates from opening was to infuse my essence with the others and fly as high as possible to spread them faster around the world which worked. Since I technically wasn't just plain old 'Rin' anymore either, the magic circle the paladin used lost it's power source and ran amok. The left overs from our actions turned into pure magical energy that's now resident in Assiah. Don't worry it will stay." Rin finished exhausted basically scraping the ground with his toes from the overwhelming tiredness he got.

" Rin~" whined Ray sitting on Rin's bent over back (imagine Rin floating like dead astronouts in space with Ray on his back). Rin ignored his brother in favor of trying to go for an midday nap. Rei shook his head at his brother's antics but thought 'Meh. He needs the sleep'.

Coughing he spoke drawing attention from Rin "While we were in a vegetative state we were each partially aware of what you guys all did. We watched you through those years and came to a decision...".

While the mafia raised an eyebrow some learned slightly more forward to listen better.
".. We decided that we will continue with our job with the Vongola But-! would occasionally drop by either Gehenna or the Academy for a quick visit." The demons were figuratively jumping in joy at the idea of their crown prince coming to visit - of his own free will no less! Tsuna smiled, he was happy that Rin wasn't going to ignore either one of his families.

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