The Silver Band - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
A few days passed, and my heart grew heavy and weary as mother failed to appear. She had diligently promised that she would follow just a few mere days after myself, but she'd not arrived in Camelot yet and it had been near a week passed.

Many of the days I visited Kallah in the outlying mountains across the border of the castle, no longer defying Uther's absurd laws against the simple practice of an unimaginable and fascinating art. Yet, it was I who chose to travel to a new start in the city, and it was my responsibilty to protect the secret.


I had seen little of Gauis or Gwaine; simply assumng that they were busy with duties to tend to, though it did dawn on me that the latter possibly didn't apply so much to Sir Gwaine.

The book had began revealing more and more hidden descriptions to me as I used it more frequently, but a growing sense of unease and guilt filled me up steadily because I was sure that Merlin would surely have needed the incredible script as much as I had over less than a week.

If I'd alreay discovered so much, how well leanred must he be? Often I would practice incantaions quietly in my home, though it provided little protection in the scheme of things. I allowed these thoughts to mingle daily, occupying my mind when I wasn't out searching frantically for an apprenticeship or profession and a steady soruce of income. Though I could keep myself alive, I needed to draw as little attention to myself as possible. Consequently, acting as normal as possible on the streets and in the open was vital to holding an act.

Otherwise, it would be an act of treason.

That and just being here was becoming increasingly boring, because I had little to do and no accomplices to cause a little mischief with.

As more and more days passed and our birth mother still did not materialize, I began to become angry and violent towards ignorance, and those who used it. I'd almost blown a simple farming boy to pieces as he thieved my small silver charm bracelet. Yet I was relatively quick on my feet I managed to chase him down and rip it from his weak, young grip.

Remorse was at the back of my mind as he tried to bargain his way from trouble because he was from a poor family, but his father didn't seem too pleased as I dragged him back to his farm by the ear, a rude note in hand.
The bracelet wasn't worth much for selling because it was only rough silver and it had been scratched from generation to generation, but it held a little worth to me for I'd been rewarded it in the infamous Fisher King's Tower, far across the Perilous Lands.

Kallah had agreed (if reluctantly) to take me there, for I'd almost begged him to let me see the King's chambers and hwere he'd lain in giving Merlin the vial and Arthur's vital prize, the Golden Trident.

- The place was nothing important; full of dusty cobwebs and small, dead read stones as if they'd once glowed in the eyes of a wyvern. Nevertheless I'd taken a few with me on my return, for they could've proved useful at some time.

However the King's Hall was something of another matter. Though the walls were bleak and dull in the aging light of day, in the centre of the vast space a large, shimmering throne stood proudly with it's back facing towards me, inviting me dangerously close.

As I crept closer, an eerie, strained voice echoed through the room, yet it seemed like only I could hear it. He spoke to me in a tired voice, as if he knew that finally the time had come for things to be complete.
"Ontor, you venture far for little. If what should bring you to my home is enough, then you should be rewarded for your result."

My steps were small and light, dancing slowly over the large mineral tiles. I drew up before the chair, a pale figure sitting slumped in the high backed cathedra. He wasn't dead nor alive, yet his hand rested atop the arms of the chair stiffly as if they were having to be held there for effect.

"Your brother came here a long time ago, searching for the Trident that would grant his Lord his Kingship. He also took a vial, in which was the water taken from the Lake of Avalon."

I nodded, for I'd heard much of the tales that told of Arthur's ledgendary trials, and the brave serving boy who'd dangerously ventured in before him. At the time, I wasn't to know that the corageous servant was infact my very own sibling.

"So, I will grant you prize for returning to me and thus concluding the legacy."

He reached delicately into a pocket, delving deep down the depths of his possesions.

"The bracelet of the Picts, an old Roman peoples who travelled here many years passed. They forged with silver, creating jewels of beauty and magnificence. This however, was not one they manufactured here. The leader left this before my door, for this tower lay here long before I chose to inhabit it.

It comes from Rome, a far off country that is not ably reached from here, for it would require crossing the seas in one of their boats. Obviously passed down many centuries, it may wield you some power in your future for even the brutish men of Rome would've seen magic, it is not only Camelot who posses such a feature."

He handed me the small band gingerly, dropping it in my hand. The silver was worn and scratched, an infinite loop that looked as if it had lasted an inifinity already.

"Thankyou, my Lord." I dropped to one knee, bowing my head softly towards the floor. Without a reply, I soon looked up to find no trace of a man ever being there, and an empty throne that was worn and grey with time.
My travel had cleared my heart, and I was soon in the comforts of Ealdor with my mother and going about daily life. Uet the bracelet had never left my wrist to this day, a small, thin band that remnided me of memories long gone.

I hadn't discovered much of the 'Romans' or their 'Picts' in my books, and I suspected that I wouldn't for a time because they were long before our times. Not even the scrolls of Uther Pendragon's father could scratch the surface of time that the Romans had spent before us.

I spent much more of my time after reaching the Fisher King trying to decipher the uses and worth of the small loop, but the scratches made finding the true value beneath much more difficult. It was an intriguing little piece, and in times of trouble would make a firm grip on my wrist.
Whether the gift was a protector that aided health or blunted weakness I did not know, but I had my suspicions that the wise King would not have given me such an instrument with out use.

Othor - Kaira's Draconic name/ magic name (her version of Merlin's Emrys)
I'm not entirely sure what happened there, the last bit of the chapter got cut off 😞 anywho it's there now :D
Hope my *cough* 3 months late update wasn't too shitty :')
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~ Emily - Greenleafer123 x

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