I'ma introduce myself-

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Hello! I'm Olivia Brown, I love to draw, write, and you should probably be expecting illustrations for when I realease my actual book- I'm in middle school which is honestly- pure chaos. However, I have a lot of friends that make it more fun and chill. Literally, yesterday my friend was giving a freaking PEEZ to her friend, and some short seventh grader jumped up, ate it, and ran- like, what..? It's just a bunch of random little things that happen that make it so chaotic. Anyway- this is where I'm going to just write down my thoughts and track- my progress through 8th grade..? Pff- why did I do this again- W e l p- you're all stuck with me now, unless you decide to not read this story or mute me XD. But, I am actually working on a story for my first official book so, stay tuned for that- but yeah, I'm not expecting anyone to read this but yeah :D I hope you guys havea great day and- yeah :3 Bye for now! ^^

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