I'm Great :,D

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Uhm so- I'm just tired of a bunch of bull crap that keeps coming up in my life but at the same time, I feel as if it all happens for a reason. I found something out yesterday that was really hard to hear.. but- I talked about it with my "friend" and I feel as if.. we didn't get closer, but in a way, we know a little more about eachother.. and hell, maybe it did bring us closer..? I don't know.. (at this point our song started playing and I am crying so please excuse bad grammar XD) anyway, I told my friend something really important that I hadn't told anyone else and she told me something she had told very few people.. I don't wanna go into detail because I don't wanna expose my friend or myself, also I'm aftraid I'll cry (more). However, I am happy to say that I am writting the first chapter to, All About Aber('s Problems) today!! I am very excited- it'll hopefully help me get my mind off of the stress of school and even just being here in these times.. I also saw something.. I was too disgusted to look too far into it but- I think there may be some sort of ban on LGBTQ+ marriages..? I am unsure.. I will read into it and hopefully up date you guys with that soon. Anywho- This was Olivia Brown- now signing off. <3

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