Chapter 2

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It took Jungkook more than an hour to get to Seoul (because Seokjin, ever the dramatic one, wanted to live in the middle of fucking nowhere).

He drove himself on his own (with his McLaren. A beauty, but it's a shame that he probably has to change his car now that he's back to school. Something more practical). Seokjin and Yoongi volunteered to help him out but he quickly, and politely, turned them down, knowing that they'll make a scene. Vampires are rare enough to see among the society so seeing three vampires in one place could easily attract a lot of attention. Jungkook has already gathered a crowd just from submitting a form at school. He tries not to imagine what it will be like when he actually spends the whole day there.

When Jungkook finally gets inside the University, he can see that the entire campus is already teeming with students and parents sending off their children to school.

It's lively, with food stalls dotting the open space and small circles on the field having a little picnic. Jungkook lets himself smile a little. Not bad.

His smile disappears as fast as it formed when he finds himself having a hard time finding a parking spot. Everyone is here and they seem to have occupied all of the spots near the dorms.

He does finally find a parking spot after several minutes of driving around the parking lot (People also started to stare. His McLaren is already odd enough. Wait until they find out he's the vampire that goes to the school. He's the only vampire so he's already quite popular). It's a long walk from the dorms but at least he can finally stop wasting time and, more importantly, gas, as he finally settles into the spot before turning off the engine.

Jungkook gets out of the car, takes the three boxes inside, and locks the doors. Although the boxes don't weigh anything, he couldn't really see because they're all stocked up in front of him on his arms. But he's not very fond of going back and forth from the dorm building to his car. At least he won't die if he gets hit by a car.

Jungkook starts to walk, slowly so that he doesn't bump into anyone. He's more nervous to bump into humans and possibly crush them with his boxes than bumping into a moving car. At least no one would be hurt if it's the latter.

The pace is agonizing but it's his only choice. People are starting to stare again, partly because he just came out of a sports car and mostly because he must look strange and a bit of an idiot carrying three huge boxes with ease.

"McLaren. That's yours right? Sweet."

Jungkook turns to the owner of the voice: A young man, most likely a student just like him, with a friendly face but with a smile that looks like he might be laughing at you. He's wearing a neon orange bomber jacket that could easily attract eyes from any direction. Jungkook guesses that this guy might like the attention with the way he's walking, like he's in a runaway rather than a grey pavement of a campus parking lot.

"Yeah," Jungkook answers. The two of them are walking side by side now. "That Mercedes. Yours?"

"Yep," the stranger answers. He's handsome, Jungkook belatedly notices. "A birthday present for myself. My parents almost killed me."

Jungkook grins. "Not impressed, huh?"

The stranger grins too, but now he looks like he's laughing with Jungkook. Not at him.

"The price blinded them from its beauty. It is a beauty, isn't it?" the stranger's grin widens and his eyes practically twinkles. "Not much of a beauty as yours though."

Jungkook decides that he likes him.


Jungkook can see the dorm building closer now. He wonders if the stranger is also moving in since he seems to be walking in the same direction. But he doesn't carry any boxes or luggages with him. Just him with his hands in his pockets.

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