Chapter 3

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Frankly speaking, Jungkook doesn't know what to make of Taehyung.

Taehyung is very energetic and even more talkative. He likes talking to himself and talking to Jungkook even though it's mostly one sided. Not that Jungkook is ignoring him, he's not that rude, but he just doesn't know what to respond to most of what Taehyung says.

But he's nice. He keeps the curtains closed in the morning so that no sunlight comes through their windows (thank god to that. And yes, Jungkook can still say the G word), he goes to sleep early and doesn't snore, and when he wakes up early, he doesn't make noises that would wake Jungkook up (Taehyung is an early riser while Jungkook usually wakes up at noon). So yeah, Taehyung is a nice and decent roommate.

However, Jungkook noticed that Taehyung has a slight obsession with vampires. Not the unhealthy kind. Taehyung just seems very curious about anything related to vampires, like a child who is full of questions about the world that is unfamiliar to them. So Jungkook doesn't get creeped out by it but it is annoying most of the time, especially when Taehyung calls different vampire abilities with ridiculous names like he's describing a superhero. Jungkook is far from a superhero.

One time, when Jungkook decided to go to bed early, Taehyung turned off the lights and started asking questions.

"Can you really see in the dark?"

It's harmless enough and an innocent question so Jungkook answers, "Yeah, clear as day. I can see you flexing your toes above you. Stop that."

Taehyung giggles. "What number am I holding up?"

"Two," Jungkook further entertains.

Taehyung giggles again. He must be having the time of his life. Jungkook is sleepy enough that he lets Taehyung ask him more questions.

"Can you hear me like this?" Taehyung whispers.

"Even if I'm not a vampire, I would still be able to hear you. I can practically feel your breath."

Taehyung doesn't giggle this time but Jungkook sees him smile.

"Can I ask you about blood?" Taehyung asks, his voice soft with cautiousness.

Jungkook doesn't say anything right away, letting the deafening silence settle between them.

"Goodnight, Taehyung," Jungkook finally says, already turning away to face the wall.

"Goodnight, Jungkookie."

Jungkook doesn't sleep that night. He felt too hungry to be able to fall asleep. He was almost tempted to stop ignoring what Taehyung smells like.

When the first day of classes finally came around, the entire campus was buzzing with a mixture of dread and excitement.

The school grounds are filled more than Jungkook had ever seen it ever since he moved into the dorms. He can't say he entirely hates it but it does make him uncomfortable. It's less because of the amount of the crowd but more because of the smell of the crowd. All these delectable meals cramped in one space making it so easy for Jungkook to get lost in it but thanks to the years he spent practicing his self control, he ignores it, stamps down his bloodlust like he always had ever since Seokjin sat him down in his kitchen counter and told him about the importance of self control especially for vampires.

So that's how he continues on with his day, pointedly ignoring his imploring hunger. It's not so hard due to the years of practice but it's not an easy feat either. However, he's used to it.

The heat from the sun is a good enough distraction at least, making itself even more evident than his own bloodlust. Bloody hell, it's hot. He's suddenly regretting wearing a long sleeved shirt despite its thin material. His backpack and his guitar case are not helping either with the way they're sticking to his back and making him feel warmer than he already is.

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