I miss this

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days come by as I walk into my house from school in the same thing happens.
sometimes I wish the days never came, or maybe that they'd end sooner. I later had can you start saying to myself "if I kill myself I will never come back" I repeated that to myself because it stop me from... I miss the old days, when I was a baby and everyone love me nobody cared what I wore dress like or if my hair was in pigtails or a ponytail. I remembered when I used to go to my grandparents house and we used to have so much fun they would take me to get ice cream with Jenna and mom would take dad to go shopping... They would get presents so then went back to grandmas house and we would open them. That all changed when dad died from lung cancer. he was the only person in the whole world that would protect me in situations now. he love me because of who I was not for my looks.

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