The Bloody Truth

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Is it just me or does it make Someone else's heart melt too?

So today's dedication goes out to torturegirl and Katy160 !!!!!!

Your P.O.V

All you feel is a cold metal blade on your neck. When the man grabbed you, you screamed but that came to an end when the knife came out. You feel the sharp edge of it pressed tightly against your neck. One slight move in any direction would surely break the skin. You hear multiple sets of footsteps drawing close and soon you can see the five people that you call your family. They don't seem to concerned when they first see you, but you watch as their eyes are drawn to the man and the blade. You can see the emotions as they run through their bodies. Fear, scared, worried, sadness and lastly anger. Especially from Foxy.

"Me did what you said. Now leave the lass alone." Foxy says. You can hear the worry in his voice.

You hear the man behind you give a deep chuckle. You know who's laugh that is. You would recognize it anywhere. Your about to say who it is but the man starts speaking before you get a chance too.

"See Fox, you never thought that my job was to kill her did you? Cause that's exactly what it is. I've tried two times now and both failed. But tonight I'll finally succeed in killing my daughter." Your father tells Foxy.

You can see the realization come across their faces as they realize that the man that is holding you, is none other then your father.

"Why do you want to kill your own daughter so much?" Freddy asks.

"I...I.... Don't..... Under control......can't me....." He stutters as if he was fighting for control.

You hear movement of to your left side and turn your head to see what's there. Emerging out of the shadows was the same guy that was their the night your father was attempting to kill you.

"You don't have to be afraid Y/N. I'm not going to hurt you. All your going to do is watch all your friends die slow deaths, then I'll kill swiftly and painless. After a couple days I starving and reliving your friends deaths of course." The man says. You can't see his face or his body. You can see his hands though. They are black and look as if the have claws or something.

"Why do to want me dead so bad. I've never met you in my life." You say, almost crying in the process.

"Because it was you that took the love of my life away from me."

With that he advances towards your friends. He reaches behind his jacket and pulls out two knives. You see Chica being pulled behind the boys, and the boys getting ready to attack the man. He's a few feet away from them at this point. You try to shut your eyes, but your father must have noticed because the pressure on the blade increased. You feel the hot tears coming down your face as the pressure from the blade is slowly cutting off your ability to breath.

You look back to the man and see that he's circling with Goldy.

"You will never get the chance to kill her. We will not let he die. Ever." Goldy tells him. You can hear the anger in his voice rising.

The man just smiles and then lunges at Goldy. The man hits Goldy with enough force to knock him to the ground.

You see the knife almost collide with Goldy stomach, but he moved out of the way just in time. You look back to the others and notice that Foxy is no longer there. You strain your head upwards, trying to see your fathers face and where he is looking. You manage to see that he is focused on the fight and not the missing person. You feel a warm trickle on your neck and realize that the blade had pierced your neck a bit. You lower your head again to make sure that it doesn't pierce it anymore. You notice movement again and can see the glowing golden eyes of Foxy coming towards you.

You look back to the fight not wanting to draw any attention to Foxy. On the ground you notice a bloody Goldy laying on the ground unconscious. You watch as the man advances towards the other three. He doesn't seem to notice that Foxy is missing either. Before you see someone attack the man, your tackled to the ground by a Fox. The knife clatters away from you and you scramble away from your father. On the ground you see Foxy sitting on top of your father and beating the shit out of him. He soon has a black eye, split lip, and a bloody nose. Your father isn't even fighting back at this point. He's just taking the hits. Your sitting there watching both the fights going on.

Bonnie had decided to take on the unknown figure. Your watching both the fights so intensely that you don't even notice that Chica had snuck away and was now right behind you.

"Come on Y/N. Let's go get some stuff so that we can help the boys. I don't want to sit and be protected like a child I want to help." She whispers to you.

You nod your head and stand up and tiptoe away from the fights. You both sneak into the kitchen to try and find something to use as a weapon. You guys dig as quietly as possible through the cupboards to try and not draw attention to yourselves. Chica finds a bunch of small knives that she could use to throw at the two of them from a distance. You find a frying pan that's pretty heavy. You look to Chica who has about 14 knives. 7 in each hand. You lift your frying pan and she nods towards the door. You nod you head understanding that she means lets sneak out and join the fight.

You two sneak back down the hall to see a gruesome sight. Your father appears to be unconscious on the floor, but from the puddle of blood around him, you know that he is dead. You look to where the commotion and see that Freddy, Foxy, and Bonnie have ganged up and are now fighting the hooded man. You look to Chica, who is grasping one of the knives tightly in her hand, preparing to throw it at the man. Couple more seconds pass and you watch as Chica girls the knife, it lands in the mans arm. The man stops and looks at his arm. The boys have puzzled looks on their faces. The man turns and sees you and Chica.

"Why are you all so persistent? You aren't going to beat me. You may have killed Allen but he was only a 'Puppet'."

With that he stalks towards you two. You scramble backwards until you hit the wall. He keeps coming closer. The boys seem to be frozen in place. Chica scrambles to the side to avoid him. Your too scared to even move an inch to the side. Within seconds he's in front of your face.

"Because of you I lost the love of my life. Because of your father I lost the love of my life. If neither of you existed, she would have been mine. Now that your father is dead there's only you left."

With that he grabs your throat in his hands and lifts you up. You grip your frying pan tightly and try to lift it up to hit him. As you do, he tightens his grip. You drop the frying pan and grab his hands trying to pry them open.

"Now you shall die."

With that he tightens his grip. Soon you are unable to breath at all. You start scrambling, trying to break his grip. Your vision starts to go black as you lose more and more air. Your head starts to go dizzy and you can no longer lift your arms. As your vision goes black, you can see a pair of angry golden eyes coming towards you. Then you lose conscious.

So I have figured out that I'm able to get at least three more chapters in after this one. I also wanted to tell you guys that if you are an artist and want your Five Nights fan art and want it to go into one of my media's of my chapters. Message me and we will see what we can do to get it set as a chapters media. I already have one person that's doing some art for me, I'll name her when the time comes. I will also dedicate the chapter to the artist. I also want to ask you guys two question. 1. Are you guys excited for the sequel and the prequel that's coming out? I want to know if you guys are as excited as I am for it. 2. Do you guys want a lemon in the sequel? Like I don't know if I should or not. I'll do the whole majority thing. If more of you say lemon, I'll do a lemon, if more of you say no, then I won't. So it's up to you guys. So I think that's everything I wanted to say, so bye My Little Foxes, I'll see you in the next chapter!!!!!!

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