Just Like A Sister

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Goldy's P.O.V

So she's out like a light. The others seem confused to why she passed out, but I know exactly why. When someone is your only friend, you end up knowing them like you know yourself. I keep looking at them and they still seem super confused.

"What happened to the lass?" Foxy asked.

I put on a puzzled look so I don't stand out. I don't like standing out. After not being noticed for so many years it would be weird to stand out.

"I'm not sure Foxy. We still aren't used to having a human friend, so we don't exactly know why they do certain things. This for example." Freddy says.

"She passed out from the excitement." I say, trying not to sound snobbish.

"And how do you know that Goldy? You aren't exactly one that's around people all the time." Bonnie asks me with a cocked eyebrow.

"I may have not spent lots of time with people, but I've spent a lot of time with her. When she was little of course. I've seen her do this before. Just let her rest and she will probably wake up in a couple hours," I tell them.

"She passed out from excitement before? In front of you?" Chica asks in a surprised voice.

"She is like a little sister to me. She was the only one that paid any attention to me for years. Even you guys didn't talk to me that often. She was all that I had, so I made sure I knew her like family." I tell them.

With that I turn around and walk away. I don't want to be around these people anymore. If I had to be around someone it would have to be Y/N. I disappear and appear in my little room. Nobody else knows where it is. Only Y/N does. She is the only one I trust fully. I yawn and sit down against the wall. I fall into a restless sleep thinking about Y/N as a little girl.

~~Time Skip~~

I wake up when I hear a knock on the door. 'That's weird' I think to myself as I stand up to open the door. I'm even more surprised when I open the door and see Y/N standing there with a tired look on her face. I step aside to let her in. She walks in rubbing the sleep out of her eyes in the process. She sits on the floor and motions me to join her. I close the door and sit down beside her.

"What are you doing here? Don't you want to be with the others instead of me?" I ask.

"Not really. I love them all but I want to be with you right now. You're like a big brother to me and right now I want to be with my brother."

"You think of me as a brother?"

"Yup. When I was little you were always there for me no matter what. You listened to my little rants and hugged and cuddled me when I was sad."

"I didn't think you would remember all that. It has been eleven years. I thought you would have forgotten all that by now."

"How can I forget? You were always there for me. I couldn't even begin to think about forgetting everything you have done for me."

"Why not?"

"Because I want to pay you back for everything you did for me back then"

"Y/N, you don't have to."

"Yes I do. Also right now I don't exactly have much family. You are all that I have left for family"

"Where do you go during the day then?"

"I live with my father, so I go there."

"Isn't he family?"

"Not really"

"Why not?"

"He blames me for my mom's death. So he punishes me for nothing. He throws things at me. Kicks me out of the house. Uses me as a punching bag. That's why I have these cuts on my wrist. I needed a place of relief. Where I could forget everything around me. Control the pain. I don't cut now though. Ever since I came back here I have yet to have a reason too. Also my father seems to be MIA." (Missing in action)

I look at her with sad eyes. I never thought she would have to ever go through anything like this. It's sad really. Such a pretty girl to have to go through stuff like that. I pull her into my arms and hold her close. She snuggles into me and sighs.

"I missed you Goldy."

"I missed you too Y/N"

Then the 6 am bell rings. I let her get out of arms so she can leave. Before she leaves the room she turns around and hugs me.

"I'll see you tonight Goldy"

With that she turns and leaves. I turn to my animatronic form just in case one of the employees comes back here during the day. I highly doubt they will. They never do. I lay down and wait for night to come once again. Sadly I'm interrupted though. Foxy strolls into the room. He's back in his animatronic form though.

"Ye know the lass best right?"


"Can ye help me then?"

"With what Foxy?"

"Me really like the lass and want her to be mine. Me just don't know how to do that though."

"There's a slight problem with that"


"Bonnie likes her too."

"How am I suppose to stop the lad?"

"You can't"

"What happens to the lass?"

"I'm not sure. Guess she will have to make the decision."

"How do I make sure that I'm her choice?"

"Appeal to her, I guess"

"How am I suppose to do that?"

"Be you"

"Ye sure that will work?"

"That's all you can do Foxy. You want her to love you for you. Not someone that isn't you"

"I guess. Thanks Goldy. Have a good day!"

With that he waves and leaves. 'That was weird' I think to myself. I curl up and fall asleep, wishing that Y/N was still here.

I don't know how often I will be able to get a proper chapter out. My family is leaving today for Cuba. Sadly I'm being left behind because I have exams coming up. That also means I have studying to do. I'm still going to try and have one chapter a day but I'm not going to guarantee that it will happen. After exams are done and my family's back it will go back to normal. That's all for now My Little Foxes, I'll see you in the next chapter!!!

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