chapter three

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Making my way into the building, I couldn't ignore the persistent buzzing of my phone going off in my pocket. I pulled it out to check it and my eyes rolled immediately at what I saw.

Draco: Hello

Beau: I told you not to text me anymore, Draco. I don't see what's necessary about dragging this out any longer.

Draco: Listen, we both know that every time we break up it never lasts forever.

Beau: Well, this time is a bit different, isn't it? You actually cheated on me, Draco. And I caught you this time.

Draco: It was a drunken mistake and you know that better than anyone, you were there of course.

Beau: I look nothing like Pansy, you couldn't have mistaken us if you tried no matter how drunk you were. I'm going into work now, we can talk about this later.

By talk about this later, I meant never. There was no way I was going to continue to give Draco Malfoy the time of day after he did what he did. I understand why some people stay in relationships like that and I respect it. We're all different. But I just can't tolerate it.

Luna Lovegood was not in the building today. No familiar faces in the building was off putting, especially with what I just went through before even walking in. I have a terrible feeling about today, especially because I had insulted Fred yesterday. I'm just going to keep my opinions to myself this time and try and move on, keep it going.

"Rainbeau?" A male voice called my attention as I walked in the building, towards the break room to leave my personal belongings.

"Uh, yes?" My eyes locked onto a man of about six feet with tousled brown hair. He had a bit of a goofy smile on his face and it seemed like I recognized him from somewhere but I shook it off.

"Hello, I'm Neville Longbottom, I'll be taking Luna's place today. I just wanted to introduce myself before you started your rounds for this afternoon." He greeted me and introduced himself, sticking his hand out for me to shake it politely.

"It's nice to meet you, Neville." I spoke with a smile, as sweet as I could muster up, despite my anxiety with seeing Fred again today and the annoying texts from Draco. A great way to start off the day, huh?

"Well just let me know if you need anything." I nodded my head with appreciation and continued on what I was supposed to be doing from the start.

When I got to Fred's room, I apparently had a hard time concealing my distain for the universe and all the people in it because Fred didn't hesitate to point it out and bring it up.

"What's your problem?" Fred questioned once he seen the discomfort on my face. "Its not because of yesterday is it? Because that's all water under the bridge."

"No, no. . . It's not that. Just some personal issues, I'm sorry you could read me so well." I wasn't lying, but in a way I always thought I was made of steel. I had to be. So the fact he was able to get a rise out of me so fast and at such a heavy rate was interesting, almost annoying how good he was at it.

"Well you might as well get it off your chest, then." His fiery red hair was actually combed a little bit today, which means he must have done it. I know I haven't been working here long but every other time I've seen him it's been a mess, either from laying on it all the time or just from the lack of brushing it.

"I don't think that would be appropriate, by any means of the word."

"Oh, come on. Please? All I hear all day is either the TV—which watching the world implode may be slightly entertaining—I just don't ever get to hear about real life stuff." He pleaded with me, clasping his hands together in a begging sort of way. A chuckle escaped my mouth before I had time to conceal how much he actually does entertain me.

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