Where were you last night Dabi?

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By the time Shigaraki noticed Toga, she bolted to Twice's room and told him. Instead of going after them, Shigaraki sulked in the corner. I stayed behind the bar, still cleaning the glass. After an hour or so, (it's 11:46 now) Toga came out again, Twice following.

"Hey Mamagiri! Is Shiggy still crying that we found his little secret?" Toga asked loudly. Shigaraki put his hand up and flipped her off.

"Yes." I answered simply. Shigaraki looked at me betrayed. I adverted my gaze.

"He should suck it up and stop being a baby." Toga huffed, sitting on a bar stool in front of me. "Red wine please." She asked politely, which she didn't do often. I nodded and poured her a glass. She smiled and took it. I got a bad feeling when she walked over to Shigaraki. Sure enough, she poured it on his head.

"TOGA WHAT THE FUCK-" He screeched, jumping up. His white hand on his face now had red wine streaks on it, Toga laughed maniacally. As revenge, Shigaraki ran over to the cabinet where Toga keeps her knives.

"What are you-" Toga cut herself off with a screech as she watched him disintegrate her favorite knife. "NOOOO! You killed Knifey-chan! HOW COULD YOU?!" She raged. Twice retreated to his room.

"YOU RUINED MY FUCKING HAND!" Shigaraki shouted.

"IT WAS ALREADY SHITTY!" Toga yelled back.



"SHUT UP!" I yelled, irritated by their bickering. They both fell silent, a surprised and fearful look on their faces.

"Sorry Mamagiri..." Toga muttered. I sighed and nodded. Shigaraki huffed and went to play on his PS4 in the back room while Toga went back to her room. I nodded to myself and finished cleaning the bar. Once I was done with that, I stayed awake to wait for Dabi to return. I could hear Shigaraki rage quit as the computer beat him. I also heard male screaming from Toga's room, but didn't think much of it. After three hours (2:58 now) the bar door opened, and Dabi walked in, checking if anyone was there. He froze when he saw me.

"Oh shit-" He muttered, attempting to shield a guitar case with his body, but only bringing my attention to it.

"Where were you last night Dabi?"

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