Chapter 1: The More Things Change

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A few years after Bridge to College

Ages: Leslie: 26

Jess: 27

Jess peruses the house/apartment classified sections, the two of them decided after they married to move farther from home. It was a unified decision: while the two of them loved being in Lark Creek, they wanted to fly away. Especially Leslie, who despite being more of a homebody in her youth, wanted to see the world and travel. Her book deal (Heroes of Terabithia) gave the duo a wide budget and supplemented the funds Jess brought back from his mechanic job and Math Professor stint. The duo had decided on Amville, Wisconsin: a medium city that was known for it's beauty. Leslie would like an apartment, and Jess couldn't care less where they ended up as long as they were together. That's what mattered to him.

Jess sets down the paper and lays back down. He stares down at his Math books, it sure has been a while since he's worked on a car. Jess stepped down from his job at Lark Creek Community College, to work at THE MIlwaukee State University (not a real college and not a state but it sounds cool). Pretty good step up, Jess admits though that he may have to only work on cars in the summer or as a hobby. Their wedding was the following week, and a lot of changes was to happen. With Judy and Bill Burke were still out in Arlington, and his sisters are staying near Lark Creek.  

A lot has changed for the good old duo. PT had passed away a year or 2 ago of old age, which was hard for Jess and Leslie. Shortly, after the couple got a Labrador Retriever named Prince Aslan named after the Narnia character and because, of his lucious golden coat. DT was alive and well, but he got pretty big, so he has his own pen. May Belle, was in Virginia State College majoring in fashion, and Joyce Anne is in Lark Creek Community College studying education. Scott was still in the Army and had renewed his contract,  and Janice Avery was travelling the country trying to find herself, and taking odd jobs along the way, to recover from her rough past.  Lark Creek Elementary School was renamed to being the Julia Edmunds Elementary School in honor of Miss Edmunds, a bitter sweet place for Jess to pass every now and then. It is crazy how fast things change. Jess sometimes finds this funny because, for a long time the small town of Lark Creek Virginia felt like it would never change as it resisted change for a long while. But now the city is trying to expand to attract a new generation as the residents age and the young move on. Jess admits that even he would miss the small town of Lark Creek, the dirt roads, woodsy feel, and the farmlands. But it's time to move on, the house too small and cramped, and Leslie wanted to spread her wings. Admittedly, Jess did too.

Jess hears the door creak and something crash into the wall and the sound of PA trying to skitter away desperately to escape Leslie as she bumbles through the house. Leslie's back from the grocery store. Jess gets up to help Leslie out, as she had the genius idea of trying to carry too many groceries, to the point she couldn't see anything. She stumbles into the Golden Room as Jess rushes to take as many bags as possible so that Leslie could walk without crashing into things.

Jess smiles at Leslie, not a lot has changed with her. She's still the blonde quirky girl with tons of energy. She was a shorter woman at 5'6 in height and was petite, and still kept her hair short in a near pyxie cut. And Burke's ostentatious fashion choice was still a quirk. Leslie was always wearing bright clothes, the arm socks, and high top shoes. Jess thought she was mighty cute. Meanwhile, Jess grew a lot, he is know tall and lanky around 6'3 last he checked. His hair is still dark and kept a little long, and he wears a lot more casual clothes. He enjoys wearing button ups, polos, shorts, jeans, flannels, and jackets.

"Here Les," Jess said with a teasing smile, "I don't know why you're so opposed to making multiple trips to bring the bags in."

"It's faster this way Jess," Leslie said with a goofy smile, as she stacked the bags onto the island in the kitchen. Jess begins to unpack with Leslie. He pulls out a package of tilapia and a tub of ice cream, as Leslie begins talking.

"Did you hear Scott got time off of the army next week to attend our wedding," Leslie said about Jess' Plan A for best man, "It's crazy how much people change."

"That's great," Jess said with a wistful smile, "I didn't get the chance to talk to him. Or he hasn't, either as he hasn't called, and I well didn't call either."

"Man I'm a better friend to Scott than his own best friend," Leslie teases flashing a smile at Jess, "But honestly I am excited to see him again"

"But I do agree," Jess said, "It's been a long journey, Scott used to torment us when we were younger, but then he became one of our closest friends. Were you able to get in contact with Janice Avery?"

"No," Leslie said, "Unfortunately, I wasn't able to."

"Pity," Jess said reaching into a bag pulling out a bag of potato chips, oreos, a sack of apples, "I wonder if all my family can come."

"I'm sure they will Jess," Leslie said with a cheerful grin, "They love you more then you think they do."

"I hope you're right," Jess replied as he places the chips and oreos in the pantry, "I know May Belle will at the very least show up."

"And your Mom and Dad," Leslie added,  "They wouldn't miss our wedding."

"I know they wouldn't," Jess said, "Ellie is questionable as she's in Italy to work in their clothing industry. But, Brenda is likely to come."

Leslie smiles, "You need to have more faith in your family." 

"You're right," Jess said as he hugs Leslie, "I know for sure, the Burkes will be coming. It'll be nice to see them. It's been a while since..uh Bill and Judy been over."

Jess is still not used to calling Leslie's parents by their 1st names, and probably never will. Being that Leslie and him grew up differently, and that was part of the Burke's quirks or charms as Leslie says.

Leslie giggles as she puts away her groceries, "It has, but we'll see them soon. Jess can I ask you a personal question?"

Jess is taken aback a little but he responds, "Yeah, what's up Les?"  Hes confused by the sudden question proposal.

"Are you okay," Leslie asked, "You know uh with the whole Miss Edmunds passing?"

"Oh," Jess responded not expecting that, "Yeah I'm uuh alright. I miss her of course, but I cant dwell on that, we got a lot of things to do before this wedding and heading to Wisconsin."

Leslie smiled as she socked Jess, he could tell she wasn't entirely buying what he was saying but didnt want to call him out on it.

"How 'bout a run Jess," Leslie proposed as she bent down to tie her shoes. 

"You sure about that," Jess said a wry smirk crossed his expression, "You've been so focused on your  book deal, you havent been training. I'm afraid it would be too easy."

Leslie gave an exaggerated hurt look her hand going to her chest, "You calling me slow Jess?"

"What if I am," Jess teased as Leslie playfully socked him, "Only way to find out if my hypothesis is correct is to race."

"Don't you use your professor tone with me," Leslie lectured wagging a finger as a joke, "Let's go."

Leslie opened the door and the young couple bolt out towards the woodsy area behind the house, Jess in the lead as they rush into the horizon.

Word count: 1333

(I finally got back to this man! I apologize 4 the wait, to my readers. This series will be longer and I do hope to get into more mature topics. I promise the second chapter will come out sooner. Im in college too and job hunting. I hope yall are understanding.)

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