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"Where. Where. Where am I?  " I questioned.

"She's awake!  Get the doctor quick! " yelled several nurses.

"Hi. I'm Dr. Godran. You were in a boat accident and somehow your boat floated down river and you were found by a gentleman named Wade. We are so thankful he found you in time. I know this is all confusing. Please don't push yourself to much. Do you know what your name is?"

" I can't remember." I cried.

" A little short term amnesia can happen with this type of injury. You have been in a coma for little over a month. We checked missing person's reports and found nothing. It may take some time to regain your memory back. For now just rest. " Dr. Godran advised me.

A strange guy and a lady in their 50's arrived. The guy was tall and looked friendly. So did the lady beside him. She reminded me of someone I knew, but couldn't remember recall. It was still foggy.

"We don't want to scare you. I'm Wade and this is my Grams Lisa. We found you by our places. You gave us both a scare. So glad your awake. If there is anything we can do to help. Please let us know." Stated Wade.

"I have no idea what my name is or anything. I barely know you. Why would a stranger help me? I'm trying to remember. It just hurts and everything is so foggy." I stammered. Even my speech was not great.

"This town isn't called Friendship for no reason. Here we help our neighbors and even strangers. You dear have been through a lot. If you were my family or even friend I definitely would want the same care for mine. " Lisa insisted.

I saw a police officer coming towards my hospital room. Now I was really confused. Hopefully I hadn't broken a law and got injured as a result.

" Don't worry sweetheart. That's Officer Noah. He's a great guy. He's willing to help." Lisa assured me.

"Hi. I'm Noah. I'm here to help. From what I understand, you don't remember anything do you?" He inquired.

"I'm sorry. I can't remember my name. Why I'm here or how I got here. " I wept.

Lisa comforted me. She knew this all had been a lot.

"If you remember anything, here's my card. I know Wade and Lisa and Dr. Godran will take great care of you. Just remember here in Friendship we look out for each other." He explained.

Over the next 2 weeks, I began to recover. I had a concussion, however all my rest from the coma helped it. No brain bleeds from the mri. Everything was appearing normal. Only thing not back to normal was my memory.  Lisa was going to care for me at her home. She insisted. No idea what my life was before, however couldn't believe no family or friends had not reached out. Dr. Godran was going to make home visits. He lived across from Lisa.

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