The Beginning

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This is my blog. This is where I can write what ever I want when ever I want and to start it all of I'm going to say...
Hi im not going to tell you who I am but let me just say I don't want to talk about it at school to my friends I want it to stay on watt pad okay. good now that's covered up I'm going to start. 2014 was rubbish for me I got teased and bullied about my weight and I hate my self for it, so this year in 2015 im going to loose a lot of weight with my best friend let's call her J and she dosnt need to loose weight. but I'm great full that's she's doing it with me. I'm going to loose weight by doing sit ups every night and go swimming nearly every weekend and yes I do walk to school and walk into town. I am a healthy person but I still put on weight. it's because when I'm bored I eat and I'm bored a lot. this is effecting my life badly and I know it is I just can't stop it. it's effecting my life because: I get out of breath easily, I get teased , people hate me just because I'm big and this is the end of all that. 2015 is where I get a six pack ( ok Maybe exaggerating there a bit but you get me.) ad this is the end of my blog so far. so bye. x🙊🙈🙉

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