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You awkwardly trudge your way to Jackson's front door while Raph's weight on your side and your shoulders gradually increases. His haggard breaths and shaky steps are the things that keep you moving forward despite how tired you are, but you also don't want him to suddenly faint on you.

"How're you doing, Raph? We're almost there, alright." You reassure - hoping that your words are motivating enough to keep him awake and moving.

He grunts in response and tightens his arm around your shoulders.

A relieved sigh leaves your lips once you reach Jackson's door, and you ring the doorbell a couple times to assure his attention to it. The door finally opens after a couple of seconds with Jackson looking between the both of you with confusion.

"Nice of you to open the door." Raph slurs with a smirk.

"What happened?" Jackson asks - quickly rushing the both of you in.

"Well, hello to you too-" Raph coughs and a spray of blood is released from his mouth. "Fuck."

"Raph got into a fight with some guys from that SILVER lab, and he was outnumbered... they got him real good." You say - responding to Jackson's question.

"Damn.." Jackson whispers.

The both of you set him down on the couch before Jackson stands back to get a look at him. Finally being able to relax a little, you appreciate the warmth of the house - not realizing how cold you were.

"I get it, I'm crippled, but if you ain't got the stuff to help, then take me to the lair, aight?" Raph mumbles in agitation. "Your place is pretty damn small." He looks around the living room and holds onto his bleeding arm. "You got a heater in this shit? It's fucking cold in here. And can you stop looking at me like I'm some injured fucking puppy?"

His mouth continues to run but you don't pay any mind to it as long as he's awake. You know why he's talking so much, anyway. He's scared, and when he's scared, he talks.

Oh, but he's cold and he's definitely on the edge of passing out with how pale and sickly he looks.

Shit, he's cold.

"So can you help, Jack? He's losing a lot of blood." You ask.

Jackson shrugs in thought. "I don't know what I can do. He needs a hospital, or Donnie, I guess. Let's drive him to the lair but get him a blanket and water first. I'll wrap up his arm and take a look at wherever else he might be bleeding. I'm not a doctor, but I'll try my best to keep him from losing too much blood."

This is all becoming a little too real. Raph is too injured for just bandages and rest, he needs medical attention that he might not be able to get. If you hadn't asked to go on a walk with him, he wouldn't be hurt right now. Now that he is, you have to do everything you can to make sure he's alright.

You crouch down beside him on the couch, and you place your hand near his where it's covering the bloodied laceration on his arm. "I'll be back in a second." You assure him - smiling as sweetly as you can. "Stay awake, ok?"

Raph nods faintly, and you rush upstairs to retrieve the blanket. You want Raph to be ok. You want him to be happy but it seems life has had different plans for him for a while. Repeating to yourself that he'll be fine soon is what keeps those pesky tears from falling, but as you're coming downstairs, you don't expect to hear the words you just heard.

Raphael's Heart (2nd book)Where stories live. Discover now