-hogsmeade happenings-

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-Ron's POV-

I waited for Y/N to change and when she came down the stairs I think my heart stopped for a good minute. After not seeing her for almost three weeks she looked even more beautiful, okay no I really need to stop thinking like this. She's going to know and I'm going to embarrass myself and then she's going to hate me. She looked so good in that outfit though, she was wearing a red long-sleeved turtleneck, she never wore red but she looked great, along with the top she was wearing a light-washed denim skirt and those muggle boots, I believe they're called Doc Martens? Anyway, she looked great and I was happy to see her looking a bit happier.


-Your POV-

Ron and I had spent the better half of the day walking around and visiting random shops. I think his favorite part of the day was when we went into Honeydukes, he had ended up filling a bag with at least 15 different types of sweets, he was always a sucker for anything you can eat, I don't think that boy has ever skipped a meal. Anyway, we visited almost every shop and we decided to end our trip with a nice butterbeer at the three broomsticks.

He was kind enough to buy me a butterbeer and we found a nice little table in the corner of the restaurant, we just talked through everything and he let me vent to him and it was honestly really refreshing. All was calm until about halfway through our butterbeer...

Gen, one of my friends from school who shared a dorm room with me, came up and sat next to me. "Hey, Y/N." she looked at me and wiggled her eyebrows. "On a date with the Weasel?"

Ron and I both turned red.

"Nope definitely not on a date, we are friends." I quickly replied.

"Uh-huh, the friendliest of friendly friends." Ron laughed awkwardly. Well great, we seemed to be on the same page, I definitely have repressed feelings for Ron and he has absolutely no feelings for me. Great!

Right as Gen was nodding, a suspicious look upon her face, her friend Tori came up.

"You two don't look like friends. You look like lovers." Tori was smirking and Gen got up and they both walked away.

I buried my head in my hands. "Godrick, these third years don't give up."

"Well...are we just friends? You seem embarrassed like you'd be ashamed to date me." I looked up at him and he looked...hurt?

"What..no? I wouldn't be ashamed, but I mean why would it matter? It's not like we're dating, we're just friends...obviously. Why are you being so defensive?" I was genuinely puzzled, why was he acting this way?

"I'm just- I'm just trying to say...I hope you weren't expecting to get asked to the Yule Ball by me. I'm asking Lavender, I know she wouldn't be ashamed to be seen with me." he looked so pissed off but so hurt. This wasn't my fault.

"Ronald, you're blowing this way out of proportion. What has gotten into you? This was an awkward situation...don't make it into anything it's not." I was searching for just a glimpse of forgiveness in his eyes and all I saw was hurt. Just...hurt.

He frowned and abruptly stood up from the table. "See you in class Y/N." He walked away...just like that he walked away. No- he stormed off. I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding.

What. The. F-

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