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Evening 2,580

Xinia was walking into her therapy appointment when she was bumped into by a curly-haired woman. Xinia could feel her ice coffee go down her chest. She was covered in the other woman's drink. The girl looked up, and blushed.

"I'm so sorry! I'm just such a klutz."

"No worries." Xinia smiled politely, going to move passed her when the other woman stepped in her way.

"Wait, I feel so bad. I ruined your top. Listen, I have another shirt in my car. Would you like it? It might be a little big on you, but it's better than wearing a wet shirt."

"It's okay, really. It's no big deal–"

"I insist, really."

It was hard to resist the woman before her. She nodded her head and the other woman smiled, taking her hand. "It's this way."

As they neared the rover, the woman went into her trunk and into her duffle bag, pulling out a few articles of clothing. "I have a short sleeved and a long sleeved. Which do you prefer?"

"Long sleeved, please."

"Girl, it's like a thousand degrees out but I gotchu. Here," She threw Xinia the shirt and she smiled in return.

"Thank you."

"Here you can climb inside and change if you feel better there."

Xinia shook her head. She had numerous scars; she didn't want Adrasteia to see them. "I will change inside. I really have to go, but here are five dollars for your coffee. I'm sorry we ran into each other again."

"Wait, your name?"

"Oh," she stuttered. "I'm Xinia."


"Thanks, Adrasteia!"

As Xinia entered the office, she shuttered from the desire just to go home. She quickly went to the bathroom to change, realizing that she didn't know how to contact Adrasteia to return the shirt. She would figure it out later.

She walked into the waiting room for a few seconds before a young man came to her. He smiled softly. "Are you ready, Xinia?"

She nodded and followed him back to his office where she sat down on the couch in front him. Her hands nervously tangled within themselves between her legs. She hated this. Hated this EDMR shit. He moved his chair closer to her. She had chose a male specifically because it made her so uneasy. Not all men were monsters, but that didn't mean she felt safe around all them. He was aware of this and made sure to keep his distance.

"Are you ready to begin?"

She nodded, but on the inside she was freaking out.

"Alright," he said softly. He always rose his voice to attempt to calm her. "What would you like to work on today?"

"I hate being around men," she whispered. "I hate being around people in general."

"Social phobias, yes?"


"Close your eyes. Give me a time where you experienced the utmost anxiety in regards to social interaction."

"There are many times," she said softly. "But the thing that gives me the most anxiety right now is this beloved ceremony coming up."

All her therapists were also vampyres, so she didn't have to worry about revealing something to them.

"I understand. They are very... taxing. You do not have to go if you do not want to."

"I'm playing for them. I have to go."

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