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Evening 2,590

Zanthus woke up to someone throwing a suit onto him. He opened his eyes, hungover, looking at Demedicus. "We have a beloved ceremony to go to. Get dressed."

He groaned, laying back down with a hand over his eyes. Every day he woke up was another stab into his heart. He was hungry; he hadn't had anything to eat in months. He got out of bed and went into the shower. He didn't shave his face or do much of anything to his appearance, but he put on the suit and some nice shoes. He went downstairs, seeing everyone else dressed.

"Zanthus, brother, you clean up well!" Quillian complimented. He was tying his tie with a small grin before grabbing the keys. "Let's go ruin a ceremony!"

"Quillian!" Adra chastised.

The Council got into the car and took off toward the venue. It was in a reserved mansion a few hours away. Of course, it was during the evening with reserved rooms for everyone if they couldn't make it home. Getting out of the car, Quillian handed the keys to the valet.

"Take care of her. She's my baby."

"Of course, sir," the man responded, rushing to the driver's seat. Zanthus walked behind the rest of them as they entered the grand ballroom. There were hundreds of people waiting for the ceremony to begin. They mingled amongst themselves, talking within various classes. The Council immediately stopped the conversation. Everyone feared them, yet regarded with the ultimate form of respect. They walked to their own table, sitting down, listening as the commotion began again.

Zanthus hated this. He didn't want to be here. He didn't want to see happiness that was taken from him. For him, this was torture. He wouldn't stay for the ceremony. He wouldn't be able to take it.

Within an hour, the room was silenced, and the male came forth to stand on the stage before them. Zanthus stood and quietly left, excusing himself outside. He stood on the deck, watching the pond before him ripple from the fountain in the center. He took out a cigarette, lighting it. He exhaled and shook his head.

Xinia paced upstairs in the practice room. She wasn't nervous to play, she loved playing, but she had avoided the crowd all day. In a few minutes, she would have to go downstairs and play for the couple. She would have to endure the pitiful looks and listen to the gossip that spread about her. She would have to bump into people and be asked horrible questions. She didn't know how she could handle that. She went into her bag and took out a rubber band, wrapping it on her wrist.

Conventional anxiety treatments wouldn't help with this.

She walked out into the balcony, gripping he cold railing. She looked out onto the water, enjoying the way the moon shone on the water. She heard something. It sounded like a flicker. Her eyes instinctually went to the noise. She lost her breath, seeing his profile. His jaw was sharp from what she could see, and his facial hair created a thick layer on his skin. His hair was dark or maybe it was because it was night time. Her hand gripped the railing harder. Her breath caught in her chest as she realized she knew him.

For the first time in a very long time she believed that a man was genuinely handsome. She turned, and as she did so, she could have sworn she felt his eyes on her. She grabbed her sheet music portfolio and her water bottle and went downstairs. She was just in time to see the male get burned with the female's name. It scared her to death. She had to look away. There was a round of applause as the couple left the alter and went to their decorated table.

Xinia stood in the back of the ballroom, right behind the black grand piano as Blair came forth, announcing on the microphone that Xinia would be playing. There was another round of applause, and the lights of the room dimmed. She walked on stage, bowed, and moved to the piano. She positioned the bench and herself in a way that would be most comfortable for her. Beside her was a page-turner that she had practiced with a few days prior.

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