家出ティーン (Fluff)

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"I like ya cut g"



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"You're totally a Tsundere."
Kaminari says matter-of-factly and pops another Skittle into his mouth.

"Ah!? No I'm not!!"
I squeak, my face flushing red.

"Oh please- he called you cute and you tripped him on his way to class!"
Mina giggles.

"N-no! He was just in my way!"
I try to defend myself but it was obvious they weren't buying it.

"Or the time Deku kissed your cheek and you fainted."
Sero adds and I shoot him a glare.

"What does that have to do with me being a Tsundere??"
I question him and he just shrugs.

"Nothing. It's just funny."
He laughs as I turn around and punch his chest.

"Hey, Kacchan?"
I suddenly feel a small tap on my shoulder.

I turn my head, jade eyes staring into mine, but not how they used to.

I stutter, ignoring Mina's snickering.

"Can I talk to you?"



"Look Kacchan, we both know I like you-"

"You like me!?"
I semi-yell, completely shocked.

Deku gives me a confused look.

"I thought you knew!!"
He blushes, eyes as wide as plates.

"I-i didn't! I swear!"
My entire face goes up in flame as he groans and rubs the back of his neck.

"Well it doesn't matter now I guess- since you don't like me back,"
Izuku sighs and bites his bottom lip.
"I just wanted you to be the first to know that I'm moving."
He finishes and my blood goes cold.

"Y-you're what?"
I ask, hoping I just heard him wrong.

As he keeps talking I zone out.

"Take me with you!"
I demand, cutting him off mid-sentence.


"I don't care if it's cliché! I'm coming with you- I've waiting too long to hear that you like me back- I'm not letting you slip out of my arms that easily!"
I shouted, my face turning from worried to determined.


"I'm not taking 'No' for an answer, you already know how much I wanna get away from my parents-"


"Don't! You're not changing my mind! I'm-"
Izuku cuts me off by putting his hand on my mouth and letting out a breathy laugh.

"I was gonna say- fine. You'll be turning 18 next month anyways."
He smiles and I gasp, ripping his hand off my lips and yanking him down into a kiss.

We stay like that for a second before pulling away.

"I love you."
I mumble timidly.

"I love you too. But you already knew that."
Deku chuckles.


That night we ran away together like the love drunk teenagers we were.

But before we left I sent a picture of us getting ready to get on the plane to my mother,

just 'cause I felt like it.

家出ティーン  1/1


Inspiration For The Title: Fandomlover354

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