Chapter 16

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The road was painted in orange as we drove toward the setting sun. The streets were not very crowded, how unusual, even though it was a Saturday.

Ikjun sat right next to me; his eyes focused on the road ahead, driving. No, if you may ask, we were alright. I was just silent throughout the journey because talking to him meant that I had to turn my face to him because it would be rude when you spoke to someone, and you don't look them in the eyes. I always thought it is respectful when you know, and you face the person you're talking with.

Moreover, I was silent because gawking at Ikjun at that time would only make me look like a chump. Yes, like a complete loon. You would've found me smiling like crazy. I told you, didn't I? How did Ikjun look at that time? On how dashing and attractive he was? If I had lost my conscience, it seems like I might have pulled his face closer to mine and smacked my lips his wildly. But no, I'm still sane. At least, at the time, I was.

'Junwanie.' he said as he turned the steering wheel as we entered the hotel courtyard.

'Mwo? What about him?'

He shook his head. 'Oh, nothing, I just... remember that he's also coming over.'

I just nodded. Ikjun frowned when he saw that there was a long queue for valet parking. This is more or less what happens when you attend an influential people's event, a respectable person.

'Songhwa-ya, I will drop you off there and wait for me in the lobby, okay?' he suggested. 'The valet parking line has reached here, might as well that the area is full already, so why even bother to wait. I'll park in the basement myself.'

'Well then, let's just go together. I don't see a reason why I should go down first.' I nagged. 'Why do I have to come down and wait in the lobby? What should I do alone in the lobby?'

Ikjun looked so done at my nagging. Slightly afraid. 'Arasseo. Alright, ahjumma, you can stop now. Alright, we'll go together then.'

Lazy and impatient people are imperceptibly different. Either way, maybe for people who don't have a personal chauffeur, valet service comes in handy. But Ikjun is right; it's still vacant down here. You can park freely wherever you want. Ikjun chose a spot close to the hotel entrance. Ikjun says he didn't want me to have to walk far in these heels. As if she understands the pain of women having to wear these for hours.

I tried to look as calm as possible. While waiting for the elevator, my heart was whisked repeatedly to behold Ikjun, who was gallantly walking towards me; he returned to wearing his glasses. Geez, I don't think that's necessary. Other women might go crazy over him too, and I do not like it.

Focus, Chae Songhwa.

'I don't understand how people can feel comfortable and act as if they're cool wearing a suit like this. I don't think I look good, though.' he said as if saying gibberish.

What nonsense is that Lee Ikjun.

'Aish, what are you talking about?' I asked curiously. 'You look... handsome. I mean, of course. You're a man. You're... handsome.'

He smiled. His cheeks were getting puffier as he smiled brighter.

As expected, the lobby was crowded with dozens of people. The lost Chae Songhwa, who was busy paying attention to people passing by, didn't notice that Lee Ikjun, the man standing next to her, raised his arm slightly.


He scoffed.

'Hold my hand.'

'Mwo?' shocked, my eyes almost popped out. 'Ikjun-ah, what is this? Why-'

'Hold my hand, Chae Songhwa.' he said confidently. 'We're already late, so, come on.'

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