Enter (y/n)(l/n)

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Author POV:

The camera shows a 15 year old boy slowly getting out of bed. He's roughly 6 feet with(e/c)  and short unkept(h/c).He lets out a yawn before heading to his closest to get ready for his first day at his new school in Karakura Town. Fortunately for him his new school, conveniently named after the town had a drees code. The outfit consist of a long grey jacket with red linings and matching grey pants. Under the jacket is a short sleeved button up (f/c) shirt. (y/n) quickly throws it on the bed while he heads to the bathroom to freshen up for school.

*Small timeskip*

??? POV:

???: I should go check on him right honey?                                                                                                                

???: No (m/n) he's in high school now. A young adult in every sense of the word. If he can't bother to wake himself up for his first day let him be late. It's just the first impression he's going to make on the people he will be seeing every day for the next four years!*while chuckling to himself*

(y/n): Thanks dad for the vote of confidence.*anime sweat drop*

Dad: I'm just kidding, sort of!*still chuckling*

Mom/(m/n): Stop teasing the boy and let him eat his breakfast (d/n)

Dad: Ok, ok (m/n). Now son, it was hard work to get you into this school after what you did in America. Now before you interrupt and say something like you saw someone think very carefully. While me and your mother will always be by your side we can't afford to move again after we just came halfway across the world. So please try to do your best at this new school and do avoid talking about only people you can see shimmering in weird places. We don't want you to be thrown into an insane asylum.

(y/n): Yes father.

Dad: Good now would you like me to drive you to school or are you walking?

(y/n): I wanna walk to try and get a feel for the neighborhood but thanks for the offer dad. With that said it's best I leave now so I'm not late. Bye mom, bye dad!

(d/n)/(m/n): Bye sweetie have a good dayyyy!

Author POV:

(y/n) quickly left the house and turned to take in his surroundings. He had been sleep when his parents had driven to the house and hadn't really gotten a chance to see the town in all it's glory. While it was beautiful, this wasn't the time for sightseeing. His school named Karakura high school started at 8:30, which meant he had roughly 30 minutes before he had to make it to school. So he plugged his headphones into his phone and started to listen to his favorite artist.

(y/n) started to walk down the street when he noticed something. He was seeing another shimmer in the air at the end of the street next to a lamppost. In front of the lamppost stood a girl who looked no older than 10. She looked as if she was waiting for someone. Now normally this wouldn't strike (y/n) as weird but the fact that she was see-thru definitely made him question himself. So he slowly walked up to her confused as to why she was shimmering and was see thru. Little did he know someone was watching the whole interaction with interest.

??? POV:

Well that sure is interesting. This morning I had got up and started to walk my normal route to visit the girl at the lamppost when someone approached her. To my surprise instead of walking right past her like everyone else normally does he stopped and talked to her. Does this mean he can see ghosts too I thought? This definitely was something that had caught my interest. At first I wasn't really paying attention to the boy, but now I realize that if I looked at his clothing I may be able to recognize him. The boy was roughly my height with short(h/c) from where I was standing I couldn't see his eyes. The next thing I saw caught me off guard. He was wearing the Karakura High uniform. Which meant he was a fellow student. 

With this new information I decided to approach him, unfortunately before I could reach him he took off running. I was confused for a second before I looked down at my phone to see it was 8:25. Which meant I had five minutes to get to school. Sighing I took off with high hopes of seeing the boy in my class later day.

Author POV:

Who was this mysterious boy watching (y/n)? Why was (y/n) forced to move across the world to Tokyo? What could possibly be so bad that he had to move that far away from America? Why was his dad being so stern with (y/n) about his actions at school? Find out next chapter in Bleach!!!!

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