Louis' routine

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Louis' POV 

I would wake up to that noisy alarm clock I've always been hearing it annoys the living shit outta me...But I need it anyways for school at least. "Welp...time to start my day.." As I was walking to the bathroom to take a shower I realized I put my toothbrush somewhere else. "Man must've mistaken my toothbrush for my phone jeez should not have stayed up that late." After minutes of looking for my toothbrush I finally found it under the couch.. "Ew...all dirty now" I was in a rush anyways so I cleaned it as fast as I could and brushed my teeth,after that I took a quick shower and ran to the kitchen to eat some quick breakfast.after I finished I lunged up off the chair as quickly as I could I got my phone and other school things and got ready to drive to school.

I'd take a big sigh. When I got there. "Welp here we go.." I walked inside to high school to see all the girls calling out my name "ITS LOUIS OH MY GOD" I liked to hear my name being called out,but.. I ignored it at the same time I've felt like all the girls had crushes on me only because I am close to being a Beastar ,a leader who everyone is counting on, A big goal i'm going for? Only because I want to succeed in who I am I'll show those damn carnivores. But nevermind that,as I went for some classes to work I saw carnivores everywhere UGh! How I hated to see them walk near by, then a very tall wolf passed by and hit me with his tail I couldn't tell if it was an accident or on purpose but I don't care if it was on accident I got very angry by this. "I-i-i-i'm so sorry.." Said the tall grey wolf all I could give was an intimidating look and then say something "Next time watch where that dog tail of yours is going!" " O-o-okay.. " I heard him stutter that's what I wanted to hear I guess,I'm more intimidating than I thought... The grey wolf walked away after staring at me for a while.I grinned and all I could say in my head was " heh, seems as if it's easy to scare others but STILL... That wolf should man up a bit. After class ended I went to my office and did what I had to do for the rest of my day. Still thinking about what that stupid dog did to me with his tail. Little bit of hours later it was my time to go home and go to bed early very early I don't want to be tired as I was this morning that would be bad.

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