Chapter 34

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Addison POV I woke up i just looked through my phone I texted Bryce good morning he soon answered and texted the samething l got out of bed I did my usual morning things I then decided to watch Netflix Then l made breakfast today it was sunny so that was good.

I was just bored I decided to get Starbucks and go to sway and surprise Bryce yeah he will like that l got ready got inside my car and went to Starbucks and got his favorite Starbucks too I then went to sway.

Bryce POV I woke up I could see it was already 9am I went through my phone l got a text from Addison it said good morning I texted her back I was done scrolling through my phone and decided to get out of bed I went to the kitchen and saw the guys and the girls talking.

They were talking about random shit I didn't care about I got something from the cabinet and like a snack then the guys told me come to play video games I said why not we were playing video Games it's been a hour I was bored I wish Addison was here.

Addison POV I got to sway I knocked on the door mads open she was surprised I was here she hugged me then she told me that the guys were in the room l nodded I opened the door and saw the guys raging over a game they all turned around then Bryce came to me and picked me up and kissed me.

he said how bored he was and was glad I was here I smiled I gave him his Starbucks drink he smiled we soon went to his room it was already 1pm we were just filming TikToks it almost took half of hour because Bryce was having a hard time catching up.

Bryce POV I was playing video games until I heard someone voice I recognize wait is it Addison nah it's too early i was in my thoughts then Josh screamed at me because I was about to die I got back to the game and all of us were screaming until someone opened the door I turned around and saw Addison.

l immediately ran to Addison I picked her up and kissed her I told her how bored I was and glad she came she smiled then she gave me my favorite Starbuck drink I smiled we soon both when in my room we were filming tiktoks but it almost take me a half of hour to catch up with Addison.

Addison POV Me and Bryce soon got to bed we were cuddling then someone how we started making out then l told him l was ready he looked at me shocked then he said "u sure" I said yea because I know l could trust him then he said "okay". (you already know what happened)

me and Bryce finished and of course we used protection then me and Bryce took a shower we both cuddled and just watch a movie then Bryce said "did you enjoy it" with a smirk I then said "I certainly did 😏" he smiled and me and him continue to watch the movie.

Bryce POV Me and Addison soon got in bed we were cuddling then started making out somehow then she told me she was already l was shocked I was also glad she trusted me I then said "you sure" she said yeah l said okay.

Me and Addison were finished of course we used protection we then took a shower then we both got in bed while cuddling and watching a movie then l said "did you enjoy it" I said smirking then she said she certainly did while smirking too I smiled then we both watched the movie.

I hope y'all enjoyed this!! Have a great day and love y'all 💕💕

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