Chapter 21

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Addison POV I woke up I had a headache like a really bad one I looked around until l saw someone l couldn't really see them because it was pinch black until there was light I looked up and saw TONY?! And Bryce's ex girlfriend.

I was so confused how did he find me then he said something "well you see remember after the party well I was that person that was almost gonna kill you and don't worry we're not gonna kill you were gonna torture you" he said laughing I started cry I try to scream but everything went black.

Bryce POV All of us were just playing video games it was already like 1am we all decided to sleep we all said goodnight to eachother some of the boys left with there girls so it was only me and josh and Jaden with there girls. I miss my girl I laughed they all laughed.

I went to my room and texted Addison she didn't reply that's weird she probably asleep already I got ready for bed and slept for some reason l couldn't I try sleeping but something was bothering me I decided to go to the kitchen I got some milk because that always helped me soon I felt sleepy and went to bed.

Addison POV I woke up It's 4am I was still in a chair tied up I had a lot of bruises because they beat me up I was still crying but quietly so they wouldn't hurt me I try to get out but it was no loose and my phone is probably in the floor inside my apartment I sighed like how am l supposed to sleep like this soon I fell asleep but in a uncomfortable way I just hope someone finds me and gets me out of here.

Bryce POV I woke like at 9am I checked my phone wow it had no messages of Addison and she didn't even read my message I decided to go to the the kitchen I saw Mads and Jaden and Josh and Nessa I asked them if Addison texted them they said no.

wow that's weird I thought to myself then Nessa said "why what's wrong" then I told her I think Addison is in trouble but idk they all looked at with a concern face I decided to text Addison and call her but nothing worked even the other did the same I just had this feeling that something was bad until l got a phone call it was a unknown number.

I told them to come they did I answered it then l heard a familiar voice wait is that tony and l was correct it was tony but I also heard screaming I knew it was Addison I screamed at tony he just said that to meet him alone in the park I said okay he hanged up I sat down crying I tugged my hair a little bit then josh said "dude you know Jaden and the other sway boys are coming too " then I said "no way it's too dangerous" then he said "no way your going alone were gonna be your backup I said okay and hugged him.

Addison POV Soon I woke up like at 10am I saw tony and Bryce's ex girlfriend Ellie they looked at him and told me to be quiet they called a number then I heard Bryce's voice I started screaming then these two guys got me and covered my mouth I try to scream but I couldn't. Then he got off the phone with him then he said "well your boyfriend is gonna meet me in the park soo might as well kill him so l can have you all to myself I cried and then they left all alone.

I hope y'all enjoyed this!!!💞💞💞 Have a great day:)

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