Chapter 3 - You Make Me Happy

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Two years ago...

Midoriya didn't want to check his watch and absolutely refused to look at his phone. Your class just got out, he reminded himself. You were just running a bit late. 

To distract himself he looked around the small hero-themed cafe that he sat in. Everywhere he looked there were figurines of various heroes lining shelves and countertop space. The tables had faint logos painted on them. The walls were covered in autographed posters and various newspaper clippings. The cafe looked incredibly chaotic but the atmosphere was somehow soft. 

Suddenly a bell rang above the door and you burst in, looking wildly around. When your eyes landed on Midoriya, you gushed, "I'm so sorry I'm late," and hurried to sit across from him at the table. 

Midoriya just smiled as you took a minute to regain your breath. He stood and glanced at the drink options. "What do you want to drink?" 

"It's okay, I don't want -"

Midoriya cut you off with a smile - or was it a smirk? Whatever the expression, you'd never seen such a cocky yet charming look from him and it sent your heartbeat into a frenzy. "You're the poor college student, remember?" he teased, throwing your (100% valid) excuse back at you. "I asked you to meet me here, remember? Now what do you want?" 

You blinked. "[Favorite drink], please." 

Midoriya nodded, then walked up to the counter to order. 

While he was gone you slid your backpack off your shoulders and slung it over the back of your chair. Your breath started to come more evenly and you looked around. No wonder Midoriya wanted to meet here. Even though he was a hero, he sometimes gushed over them like he'd never met them before. Sometimes you wondered if there was someone out there who was more of a fanboy than he was. 

You glanced back at the counter, seeing Midoriya standing near the place where they set finished drinks out. He was fiddling with his fingers nervously, head bent low so his green hair hung over his eyes. 

How was it possible for a man to be so cute and breathtakingly handsome at the same time?

You swallowed and looked down at your table, suddenly feeling guilty. Midoriya wasn't really one to hide his feelings. In fact, he was downright terrible at it. He wore his heart on his sleeve and didn't bother to hide it - a trait you were somewhat envious of. 

Almost three years had passed since your initial meeting at 18 years old. At the time you'd told him you wanted to wait a year to settle into your college routine and focus on your education, but at the end of that year he still kept his friendly distance and frankly, you'd grown comfortable in your friendship. He'd become one of your closest friends and jeopardizing that was one of your worst fears. 

Still, you couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to hold his hand, to bake with him, to live with the assurance that he loved you, to kiss him... 

A clear cup filled with your favorite drink was sat down in front of you, a large purple straw sticking out of his. Midoriya sat in his chair and took a long drink from his own cup. "How was class?" he asked, green eyes focused intently on you. 

You shrugged, and had you paid attention to his expression you would have blushed. "It's Friday. Nobody takes Fridays seriously, especially in art class." 

Midoriya nodded. 

"This is the highlight of my day," you dared comment and glanced up at him. Your eyes widened as you took in his appearance fully. "You took my advice..." 

Midoriya's hand immediately shot up to his hair, feeling his new undercut. "Y-yeah, I did. Do you - ah... how does it look?" 

"Better than I imagined. You're such a cutie." You reached over to ruffle his hair. 

You Are My Sunshine - Midoriya Izuku x readerWhere stories live. Discover now