Chap. 3- Finding the 'Host Club'

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        Whatever I was expecting to be on the other side of the doors, what I found was not it. As I opened the large, pink doors (why was there so much pink in this place?), I was greeted with a breeze of rose petals. What?

"Welcome, to the Ouran High School Host Club!" A chorus of voices followed the petals, immediately telling me that there wasn't just one or two lone instrumentalists in there. I cautiously stepped inside, keeping the door open in case I had to make a run for it.

"Welcome, princess!" I tensed as a tall blond came swooping up to me. His eyes were a blue-violet, his hair a light gold, perfectly styled. He bowed, then straightened up with a gorgeous smile. "I didn't expect such a lovely young lady to be staying this late! How nice of you to come spend your time with us!"

At 'us,' I took the chance to glance around the room. It was large (like all the other rooms), pink in color (sure, why not?), sparsely decorated with beautifuly carved tables and chairs, and there, scattered about, were six other boys, all in the fancy blue uniforms of the school. I counted- two gingers, another blond (so small he looked like a child), two black-haired boys (one with glasses who reminded me of Hatori), and a brunette.

I swallowed. "Um..." At that, the first blond looped his arm through mine and proceded to lead me to a large, pink couch.

As I sat down, the brunette looked over. "Tamaki, what are you doing? You know the club's technically out, right? We don't take any more customers at this hour."

"But, Haaaaruuuhiiii..." the blond, Tamaki, whined, siddling over.

"No 'buts,'" Haruhi said flatly, turning back to his work, which was spread out on the table before him. The gingers, who I assumed to be twins, snickered.

"Uh... Can someone tell me what just happened?" I asked, dazed. They all turned to me.

"Sorry about that," Haruhi apologized. He took a breath to continue, but the black-haired boy with the glasses cut him off.

"Judging by your reaction, I assume you didn't know about the Host Club." I shook my head. "Well, that explains a few things." Wait, what?

The twins snuck over. Well, they tried to sneak, but I saw them out of the corner of my eye as they popped up behind me. Leaning on the back of the couch, they said, "Hey, haven't we seen you around before?"

"Um, I don't know..." I leaned away a little bit.

"Hmm." Turning to each other, they continued the conversation. "Hikaru, I do believe she's the new girl."

"You don't say, Kaoru. You don't say."

"And it seems she's finally decided to explore our grand school. How long has it been?"

"Let's see... Four weeks?"

They turned back. "My, my... You are a late one, aren't you?"

At this comment, annoyance swelled up inside me. I stood, my fists clenched, and glared at the twins. "Well, excuse me for trying to get familiar with this place first before exploring! I don't know about you two-" I pointed accusingly at them- "but I prefer not to get lost!" I then jabbed my finger at myself. They looked surprised.

After a moment, they bent their heads towards each other and began whispering. "She's a feisty one."

"Mmhmm. Wonder how she got her attitude?"

"Dunno. Maybe she has a wild family or something."

At each comment, I got more and more annoyed. I could feel the other club members' eyes on me, but I didn't care. "Pardon for interuppting this interesting converstation," I hissed as I loomed above them, "but you two don't seem to realize that it's rude to talk about people behind their backs, especially if they're in the same room, and escpecially if they can hear you!!!"

Before I could go on, the second blond, the small one, came running over, the other black-haired boy in tow. "Heey!!!" He exclaimed, in an adorable voice that caught me off guard, "please stop yelling! I know Hikaru-chan and Kaoru-chan weren't being very nice, but you didn't have to go that far!"

I sucked in a breath. Why was he so adorable?! After a moment, I sighed and knelt down. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up like that. It's just that they annoyed me... just a little bit..." At that last part, I glared at the twins, who backed away.

The boy stared for a moment, then nodded, his big brown eyes shining with tears. "Okay..."

Just then the other black-haired boy lifted the smaller one up, onto his shoulders. "Mitskuni, give her some space. She needs time to figure things out."

"I do?" I asked out loud. "Oh! Whoops..." I felt my face turning red.

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