JOB1 - Jiyong's Mom

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"Yah! Hyung! Yah, Yongie-ah!"

"Ahhh~~" kill me now. I swear I'm gonna kill this kid when I open my eyes.

"Hyung! Wake up!!!!"

"STOP HITTING ME!!! STEP ASIDE AND GO OUTSIDE MY ROOM!" I yanked his hair and ended up spanking his head. Aigoo! This kid is really something. But before I realese his head, he utter some words again.

"A-auntie will be here in any minute now." 

"What?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?? Aishhh!"

"Well it's because you don't want to wake up and you're busy spanking me!"

"Yah! Get out of my room. I need to change." He immediately went out of my room as I rushed out to the bathroom and take a fast bath. After taking a bath I took out some jeans and white tees inside my closet. "Why is she coming here now?" I flicked my tongue and furrowed my brows because of curiousity. I haven't seen my mom okay. It's been like 4 months since the last time I saw here, well it's not because I don't want to see her but she's just too busy for work. I love my mom but sometimes she's just too controling. She wants me to do this and that and it creeps the hell out of me sometimes. I roamed my eyes to check if my room is neat, and then saw something I should be hiding now.

"Guitar! Seungri!!!!" I called Seungri and gave him my guitar and some other music-related things I have in my room. I don't want her to see that I'm playing guitars again. My parents are just against my dream, because I am the only heir of our company, I had to follow my father's legacy... and I didn't want that. Do I look like I have a choice??

Well back to my mom, I am not sure of our relationship. I know he loves and cares for me but sometimes I just don't feel that. I grew up strictly following all of their rules and regulations. I remember, I had this poster in my room to remind me what should I do or not, if this thing is good or not, if this is good for my image or not. My parents, are just controlling. Sure I have everything but, I realised money just can't buy happiness.

I let out a bigh sigh and faced the mirror. I look okay, fine, decent. I dried my hair using Seungri's hair blowdryer, and I find it very amusing since he's a guy. Seungri's like 2 years younger than me. He's my cousin, but we treat each other like real biological brothers. I grew up with him, and I always envy him because his parents are very different from mine. That's why when his parents are still alive, I used to sneek out of the house and sleep in their house. Seungri's parents died 6 years ago due to car accident, actually Seungri was in that accident too. Luck for him, he was alive. It's been a rough time for Suengri before, so I asked my parents if we can adopt him. Of course, my father refused, but he said that instead of adopting him, we will just help him. Well, Seungri's parents are not rich... my father and her mother are siblings but some misunderstanding happened because dad doesn't want Aunt Jung Ma to Uncle Ken. You know my father is a little bit harsh to everyone, even to my mom. He took away half of Aunt Jung Ma's inheritance because she married Unle Ken, but that's fine with her. But the money was spent because Seungri's very sick that time. So they live very unfortunate, but that didn't stop me to see Seungri. My mom and I visits them twice a month and sometimes once every week. So that's pretty much it. 

I sprayed mom's favorite perfume for me that I really don't like to wear, and I faced the mirror again for the last time before I go out of the room. The ring bells, and called Seungri to open the door. It was my mom.

"Good Morning Auntie, please come in. How are you?" Seungri greeted her with all this fake smile, he took off my mom's coat and placed it to the coat rack near our door. She examines our living room, then our kitchen and dining room. It's relieving, good thing Seungri woke up early to fix all the messy things up. I signaled Seungri to go to his room and thanked him. 


She went to my direction and hugged me, she kissed my cheeks.. of course. "Oh Jiyong, my boy. How are you doing? You're getting thinner!" I looped out a smile and told her I'm fine, I asked her to seat first and I will cook for her but she insisted. "It's okay, I don't want to eat since I am still full. Have you and Seungri eaten? I am surprised to your apartment it's very clean. Are you fine here? Do you need clothes? I can bring your clothes here. Look at your clothes, it's getting saggy. And what is that jeans? It doesn't look good, it looks like a street fashion don't wear that again." Bla bla bla bla. This is why I hate seeing my mom after a very long time. She talks a lot, she's like a machine gun! Ugh. I just rolled my eyes. "Answer me."

"Oh, it's okay mom. I still have bunch of clothes inside my closet and don't worry this is just for house. I will not go out wearing this kind of stuff." She nodded in her fondness to his son. We talked about things I really don't want to talk about like college, business, and my father. I don't want to talk about this kind of things since I am a dumbshit enough to understand this. 

"You're going to enter college soon."

"Ahhh. Yes."

"So where do you plan to study."

"I don't know mom. Even if I try to pick a University to enter, dad won't allow me to do so."

Mom looked down and held my hands, I know she knew what I meant. "Try to understand your father, it's for your own good. It's for the good of our company and dignity." Dignity?! What in an acutal word is that? Aishh this conversation is taking too long, I want to go back to my bed and sleep.

"Oh." I told her as a 'yes', and she smiled to me. 

"I need to go now, I still have business meeting." we stood up from the couch and let her walk first before me. As we reached the door, I got her coat and put it in her. My mom once again looked into my eyes intently and held my hands. "Son, you're getting older aren't you? In 2 months you'll be a college student. Take care of yourself and Seungri. Seungri is your responsible okay? We allowed you to stay in an apartment so you can live and practice how to be independent. Jiyong ah, be safe and respond to my text messages, answer my calls, at least tell me where are you and that you're fine. Here...." she put her right hand inside her bag and snatch some of her money. "use this for emergency, buy healthy foods! Don't worry about your father, he won't find this out. I better keep going." I hugged her tight, despite of my mom being so controlling she's too caring. I love her so much.

I waved at her as my goodbye "Take care! Annyeong omma!"  I closed the door and called Seungri. "Panda!!"


"Want some pizza for lunch?"

"Really?! Pizza? Cool! Let's get one hyung!" I giggled a bit because he amuses me so much. Seungri is still a kid. I'm glad I had a brother like him. 

"Okay, call it now. I'm hungry! And oh, put back all my guitars in my room okay? I'm going out for a walk, I want everything to be organized and hey, when I get back make sure the pizza is here already." I threw some slipper to his knee and he just laughed at me.

"Neh hyung."

*A/N: how was it? ehhh. is it okay? i know it's crappy, but i had to write this first because it's too early to spazz right? kkk~ please bear with us more! more more more to come! comments and subscriptions are highly appreciated! <3 -amicah

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