I ran.I ran and ran until I thought I was out of danger.But then I looked in front of me.They had him.Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.After all the times I tried to surrender to the gods,Will had to be stupid and walk into Olympus.A gut-wrenching scream escaped Will's lips.But I couldn't focus on him right now.I was way too angry at Zeus.He had my boyfriend captive.My boyfriend.Even Hades looked agitated but then again he's Hades.Zeus's bolt sat beside him and it looked like he was going to kill anyone who dare spoke.

"Nico",Will said in a small voice, "Nico,please go.Go far away.Anywhere but here.Please Deathboy." I shook my head I was not going anywhere without him.His eyes were bloodshot as if he were crying for quite a long time.His blond mop of hair had become dull similar to his face,as if his life source was draining.Knowing the Olympians,it probably was draining.He looked at me pleadingly but I remained where I was. Then I did something rash.

I ran towards him.I embraced him,exhausted. "I'm not leaving you.Ever.Even if it means I die.So much for a stable relationship."I said,trying hard to see him smile. "Nico di Angelo you and your boyfriend have made grave mistakes.And now you must suffer." Zeus said the word boyfriend distastefully as if it was unheard of.I mean Apollo,Will's dad and Zeus's son was Bi himself.

Thunder shook the ground.I knew what was going to happen now.Before anything happened three words slipped my mouth "I love you." Will's face was a weird mix of happiness and shock.Then it was my turn to be shocked and happy.He almost kissed me.I say almost because before he could reach me I couldn't move and by the looks of it neither could he.I looked around as much as my immobile body would allow me to.I saw we were on an island,bearing the striking resemblance to Ogygia. I could see the sadness in the once happy ball of light's eyes.He was tired and skinny,almost anaemic like me.I couldn't bear to see him like this.It really broke my heart.But this was how it was,and I'd have to get used to it just like I'd gotten used to the fact that my life wasn't the brightest. 

A/N:This is my first book ever so please don't judge me:)Also,I'm sorry for this sorta sad and short chapter:(Btw This is how I imagined them to be,cuz when I re-read it,it made no sense without the picture.

A/N:This is my first book ever so please don't judge me:)Also,I'm sorry for this sorta sad and short chapter:(Btw This is how I imagined them to be,cuz when I re-read it,it made no sense without the picture

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