You're the Light in the Darkness

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Will and Nico are best friends since the war.Nico is in the infirmary for an injury.


I was back there.In the looming darkness,deafening silence and red landscapes.She was there again,Akhlys.She grinned tauntingly,as if to say Your back again?For more?After everything that happened?She showed me horrible things.Bianca dying,Will not liking me back.I tried to scream,but no voice came out.Tears stung my eyes.I tried running,but my legs were rooted in place.I shut my eyes,but it was as if they were being pried open to see the misery.I was so done.Suddenly,everything went black.


Nico was thrashing like crazy in his sleep.I wasn't able to wake him.I felt so helpless,I wasn't able to help him.His eyes clamped shut.And then he stopped thrashing.He calmed down,his breathing slowed.I rushed next to him,in hopes of waking up,but it didn't work.I waited for a long time,before his eyes fluttered open. "Will?"He croaked.I ran to him,enveloping him in a hug.Then I noticed that his face was stained with tear tracks,like he'd been crying for a long time. "Are you alright?"He nodded in answer. "What had happened?You got me so worried."

"I-I had a nightmare.I was back there.I saw her again,making me feel miserable.I just wanted to wake up but-but I couldn't."His voice broke,tears streaming down his face.I just pulled him closer to me.I really liked him,but I had to put my feelings away right now.Besides,I saw how he looked at Percy anyway.Not like he would want me,a happy-to-help-healer.I shoved aside those feelings. "Neeks,you should know this,I would never leave you for the world.You're my best friend and I would do anything to see you smile."He looked up at me,a small smile creeping up on his face. "Really?Anything?"

"Yeah,anythin' for you."I was so sleepy,my Southern accent,was getting thicker.

"Baciami, idiota(Kiss me,idiot)."He said,laughing(Please excuse me if that's wrong,Google Translate told me it was correct)

"What?"I was confused by what he just said.

"Nothing."He said,smiling like an idiot.

"Well,okay if you say so.Anyway-"He cut me off.With.A.Kiss.I didn't waste a minute to catch on.His hands shot to my hair,fingers tangling in my golden locks.My hands went to his waist pulling him closer.He smelled like vanilla,which I wouldn't have expected from Ghost King.

"Guys!Get a room!"Kayla shouted from across the room.We pulled apart,breathless.He laughed,freely.He doesn't laugh often,but when he does,it's the cutest thing ever.I laughed along,not knowing why I was laughing.

A/N:This one's a bit short,but I really,really like this one.

Question for you guys:

Who would be your godly parent?

Mine is Hermes,cuz I can fuck things up,lie,steal(Not proud of it)

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