chapter 6

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We were watching the rest of them movie when i heard a knock on the door. I look up at Kuza to see him looking back down at me with groggy eyes. he let out a sigh and moved off the couch and made his way towards the fornt door. I walked over to the door after him to see i tall man in a black suit.

"umm Jayden this is my uncle, Uncle this is Jayden. " Kuza said introducing me and the stranger in front of me.

"nice to meet you, Jayden. Im Troy." Said the now not such a stranger.

"nice to meet you as well." i said a out of kindness shook his hand.

" Well um would you like to come in?" Kuza asked Troy.

"No thank you i actually have a meeting to get to but i do have somehing to tell you. umm" Troy started.

"okay well go on."

"well umm your dad got into a bad car crash and he did not make it. The funeral is back home, the date is set for next saterday." Troy told Kuza.

Shock spread across my face as i look to see how Kuza was handling this awful news. I only see a blank stare on his face, this worry me greatly. i zoned out for the rest of the converstion until i heard the door slam shut and the sound of footsteps walk away and walk up the stairs farther and farther away from where i stand still next to the closed door.

i stayed right where i was for a while until i regained myself ad began to make my way to the kitchen. I began to make Kuza's favorite thing to eat when he's upset: chocolate cake. (a/n honestly idk what his fav food is im just saying a random one)

I finished the cake and it looks fantastic! i sliced a piece and out it on a plate and went up the stairs to give to Kuza and check on how he's doing. The stairs are creaky and its dead silent through out the house.I made it up to the second floor and walked towards Kuza's room. Knocked three times and still didnt get any response

"kuza, hun?" i asked as i opened the door to the room and saw kuza sitting on the bed with his back towards me.

i walked closer towards him and sat down next to him.

" this is for you." i said and handed him the plate.

he took it and set it down on the bench at the end of the bed. He hasnt even looked at me he just keeps looking out the window but it doesnt seem that hes really here like i feel like hes somewhere in a different place.

but i dont blame him he just was told his father died in a car crash and that the funeral is in a week. I feel terrible and i hope that he doesnt push me away, because i am here for him for ever and always.

"i let you be. Ill be down stairs if you need me." i said and stood up. But before i closed the door i said " i love you" but im not sure if he heard me or not.

But i shut the door and walked down the stairs and into the living room.


I was in shock. complete shock. How can he just be gone. I pushed Jay away a bit but she said she understands so i dont feel as bad. And my dad just fucking died so yeah. She made me chocolate cake, it smells really good but my stomach cant hold anything down right now because its all in knots.

I just need sometime to think, but i know that this is only making me want to relapse into my old drug usage and i cant afford to do that. so i get up and i begin to pack. I opened my laptop and bought a flight ticket for tomorrow. I wonder if Jay would want to come with..

I collected my thoughts and my stomach had untied it self. I carried both the laptop and my bag down the stairs. i set my bag by the door and the laptop on the counter separating the kitchen from the dining room.

I looked over to see Jay's figure laying on the couch, she must be sleeping. I decided not to wake her, so i carefully picked her up "bridal style" and carried her up to my room and laid her down gently. She's so beautiful.

I walked out of the room and down the stairs and grabbed my laptop and sat down on the couch.

I heard a vibrating buzz come from beside me and saw Jay's phone... My curiosity got the better of me and i unlocked her phone.

'Yeah i know, do you plan on going with him?'- Chris

I read that text and then turned the screen off and set the phone down onto the table. I didn't feel right even touching her phone...

I decide to shut my laptop and set it down on the coffee table in front of me and stand up. I got a piece of paper and wrote a note telling Jay that i'd be back soon and i went to take a walk.

I grabbed my phone and plugged my earbuds in and started listening to music as i walked to a place where only the wind can lead me to.

I stopped when i got to the same cliff that Jay went to. I sat down with my legs dangling over the edge. Im not going to jump or anything like that, but the view from right here is amazing. I think this is going to be my new favorite spot.

I stayed and watched the sunset fall, and the moon and stars started to show. So simple yet so complex.

I got up and started my walk back to the house. I felt like me again.


I woke up in- Kuza's bed... okay he must have brought me up here. I hope he is feeling better..

I walked down stairs to see no one there but instead a note.

'Jayden, I went for a walk. Ill be back soon. Text me when you read this. -Kuza'

I grabbed my phone of the...table? i brushed it off as he must have picked it up and set it there for me. I unlocked it and responded to Chris real quick.

'Yeah i plan on going if Kuza wants me to.' -me

I texted kuza.

'Hey, when did you leave?'- me

Thats when i noticed the bag by the door. It was filled with clothes, he must have booked a flight and already packed to leave. Maybe i should do the same.

I went back upstairs and into Kuza's room and packed some of the clothes that i kept in here into a bag and set in next to the dresser.


'Umm like around 4:50pm i think. Im on my way back now though.' - kuza

'Okay. I'll see you in a bit.'- me

It now 9:45pm.

I looked at my background on my phone. {the picture is in the beginning or on the side} As i was admiring the man on the screen he came in through the door.

"Hey" i said a jumped up and went to give him a hug.
"Well hello to you as well" he said and hugged back.


I got a call as i was hugging Jay.

"Hello?" i said as i answered the call
"Mr.Michael Kuza?" the deep voice on the other end responded
"Yes... who is this?" i asked
"Hell Michael, this is Doctor Langley" He told me
"Umm may i ask why you are calling me."
"Of course, we had a few test done before your father passed and we found some cancer. did you know that?"
I stuttered a but before saying "no"
"Well it may be inside you. If you do come to PA we'd like to run some test to make sure you aren't carrying it as well." he said.
"Yeah sure." i said
"Okay well i will send you an email as soon as possible."
"Good bye" i said and hung up.

"Who was that?" Jay asked.
"No one. Lets go to bed." i said
"Okay." she said and followed me into my room.
Trace out the heart - Motionless In White
Drown - Bring Me The Horizon
Underdog - Motionless In White
Never sleeping - Love Out Loud
Silence - The CityShakeup
I cumblood - Cannibal Corpse
Suffering in ecstasy - Six Feet Under

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