Husband and Wife

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"Taetae? Where did you my checkered pencil skirt?" Tiffany yells after shower looking for her skirt for work and she's already running late she will use her demon magic to avoid getting traffic jam when she ride the bus since TaeYeon usually works at home as a webcomic artist and send her finish output via email only into the company.

"It's on the 3rd drawer honey." TaeYeon yells back and turn off the stove after their breakfast already cooked.

"I will eat breakfast at work." Tiffany yells from their shared bedroom wearing her favorite skirt that she found.

"With whom?" TaeYeon asked in a jealous tone since she doesn't want her wife getting near with Kwon Yuri whose also her colleague at work.

"I'm with your bestfriend Sooyoung, duh?" Tiffany roll her eyes and scoffed when her husband getting jealous again over Yuri whose already married with Yoona.


"Yes, she will treat me because she's promoted yesterday." Tiffany cheerfully said since Sooyoung was the only person trusted by her husband because she's a fellow angel like her.

"Say my regards to her." TaeYeon said while preparing her own breakfast checking her inbox from her phone.

"By the way, Hades calls me yesterday." Tiffany informs her husband.

"What did he say?" TaeYeon knows Hades as the God of Underworld and her demon wife's boss from hell.

"She invited me to a dinner with the fellow council." Tiffany stated when she recalls Hades message.

"You say yes?" TaeYeon asked.

"No, I decline his invitation." TaeYeon celebrate victory inside when her wife finally consider her feelings and declined all the invitation from hell since she hated her wife being with her fellow demons same goes with Tiffany who restrained her wife attending the council meeting in heaven.

"Why did you decline his offer?" TaeYeon smile secretly and want to know her wife's reason why she already declines it without even asking her opinion.

"Because these past few days I'm feeling sick and tired most of the time so it makes me feel in ease if I often stay with you here after work." Tiffany honestly said and she knew her wife wants it too when she declines every invitation from hell.

"Why? Are you hurt somewhere?" TaeYeon appears behind her wife in a lightning speed and her huge angel wings suddenly came out from her back. The angel usually spread their wings to heal something and as a good husband she wants to console Tiffany with her affection using her wings.

"I'm fine Taetae don't worry." Tiffany held her husband's cheek with same affection while the angel caresses her wife's shoulder.

"Why don't you stay at home today?" TaeYeon suggested and her mind went through Tiffany's condition.

"No, I'm in charge of the statement report of our department today but really I will be fine and besides Sooyoung's with me we're on the same department." Tiffany assures her husband but TaeYeon showers her butterfly kisses trying to comfort her.

"I will be late Taetae." Tiffany pushes her husband off her because she knew where it leads if it takes too long.

"Fine." She heard her husband groans and left her immediately TaeYeon's already turn on from her scent.

"I will pick you up later." TaeYeon coldly said facing her back into Tiffany.

"Don't be sad honey." Tiffany smile widely when she senses her husband was worried about her condition.

"I will be fine." TaeYeon sulked.

"Pick me up at 4pm later." Tiffany already dress up neatly and formally before she uses her magic and quickly vanished into thin air.

"Stubborn woman." TaeYeon sighed when she sense her wife already left.

"I almost forgot my concept when Tiffany told me about her condition earlier." TaeYeon sat on the chair quietly and finish her breakfast.


"Are you sure that you're really okay?" Sooyoung asked worriedly when she saw Tiffany's pale face during her statement report awhile ago.

"I will be fine thanks Soo." Tiffany felt a little bit dizzy and nauseous earlier during her explanation with the boards.

"Are you sure?" Sooyoung asked again while comforting her bestfriend's wife.

"Taetae will pick me up later." Tiffany check the time and it's almost 3pm and she haven't eaten yet because her nauseous feeling won't go away.

"Maybe I'll call her sooner and I will cover you up from boss." Sooyoung offers and quickly fish out her phone calling her bestfriend to pick up her sick wife.

"Thank you Soo." Tiffany smile at her.


"I'm going crazy because of you." TaeYeon watch her wife lying on their bed asleep when they got home. After Sooyoung called her and picks up her sick wife, Tiffany fell asleep on the car so as a caring husband she carried her inside their room.

"Don't get sick Fany." TaeYeon silently sighed as she caresses her wife's cold hand while Tiffany peacefully sleeping.

"I should thank Sooyoung for covering up my wife and files a sick leave for a week." TaeYeon dial her friend's number.

"Hello Taeng? What's up? How's your wife?" Sooyoung answered her call immediately.

"Thank you for taking care of my wife so in return I will cook you meals on Sunday." TaeYeon said before she heard Sooyoung screams in happiness from the other line.

"Thank you Taeng! I will be there at 7am." Sooyoung hollered.

"7 am? Why so early?" TaeYeon asked.

"You said "meals" so I'm hoping it will start off with breakfast all the way to dinner." TaeYeon's eyes widen when she heard her thick face friend reason out.

"You're gonna make my fridge empty for one day." TaeYeon sighed.

"Sorry, I'm just too hungry." Sooyoung laughed follows by TaeYeon.

"No wonder, Hades got so mad at you." TaeYeon recalls.

"Tiffany told you?" Sooyoung asked.

"Of course, who else then?" TaeYeon snorted.

"Gotta call you back. My wife's cooked already done." Soyooung whisper.

"Send my regards to Jessica." TaeYeon called back before her friend cut from the line.

"Sleep well honey." She smile watching her wife sleeping soundly.

To be continued

A/N: So we have TaeNy, Soosica and YoonYul couple here ^^

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