Chapter 15

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Since we left Cory to rest in peace, we've been walking for hours, the sun is going down slowly. And judging on the minimal light in the sky, I'd say it's around six p.m. We've seen more ICOs and OPAs and took them down slowly, but still, we were in the search of the people. We haven't found any yet, but dead bodies and debris. With some fires and collapsed buildings, it looks like a war zone.

I desperately search, trying to hold onto hope. But hope is swallowing me up whole. I want to lead the people out of this place like Harriet Tubman and Moses, I just want to lead them to freedom. To the promised land.

I collapse to the ground, my feet are hurting me and the weight of the gun in my hands is weighing me down. Toby comes to me. "We need to keep moving."

I shook my head. "I'm tired."

"Omy, there's no time to rest, we're already in this and we're in this deep. One closed eye could mean never seeing the light of day. You need to get up, we need to move."

I looked up at Toby, "I wish I could, but I'm not a hunter like you. I'm eager Toby, I'm done waiting patiently, I just want all of this to be over." 

"And it will, we're so close to winning, to getting the people out of this world."

"What people?" I asked. "All I see are dead bodies, so far all we're leading are ghosts."

Toby shook his head and lifted me up, then picked up my gun and started walking. I laid my head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat, then closed my eyes basking in such a gracious song.


A whistling is what woke me up, but not one that I'd thought I'd hear. Because the whistling isn't from my Toby or the birds, it's from the tall faceless man. I curled up in the corner out of instinct, I've seen all but good things happen when he was here. Felt nothing but pain, saw nothing but black, tasted nothing but desperation, and heard nothing but my terrified cries.

The tall man came up to me, but how close, I don't even know. All I know is I feel his presence around me, nothing but the evil presence of a filthy plagued human being. 

"Hello, my sweet girl."

I cringed under his words.

"Did you miss me?" He asked. All amusement was loud in his voice projecting pure disgust to show on my face.

"I wanted to do something a little different, spice up your day here. Because you are enjoying it, are you not?"

I clenched my jaw.

He chuckled. "Thought so."

I could hear his footsteps coming closer, I curled up more moving closer to the wall.

"Omy," his voice nasty in my ears. "Tell me, do you want to hear a story?"

I didn't respond to his question, just lowered my head onto my knees.

"No response?" He said mockingly. "Okay, I'll tell you anyway."

I covered my ears so I wouldn't hear him, but I could hear him through my hands.

"This is a story about a girl named Omy, who tried to escape but failed."

I could hear his terrifying laughter, the living nightmare that I'm stuck waking up to. His voice sinister and loud torching. I hate it, I palmed my ears to block it out,

"Great story right?"

I squeezed my eyes shut.

"I know, I should totally write a book."

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