This chapter is dedicated to someone (you very well who you are) who harassed me all week about posting this chapter so that i'd say who the mystery guy from chapter 1A is.
* two months later*
Test season had begun. Which meant everyone in the school was in a total whirlwind of emotions. You could see people in the halls talking about it. Some, even cried. Phil didn't know how he felt. It's like he was in blank and all his thoughts had been erased from his mind. He heard people as he passed by talk about it as they hugged their friends who told them it would be fine. But he was alone.... ish.
He had a friend. Her name was Cath. Short for Caity. She felt the same way as him. They sat near each other in most classes which was kind of that bought them together in the first place.
Cath was the closest he ever had to a friend and that made him happy because it meant he wasn't completely hopeless afterall. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She wasn't very tall but phil thought she was nice. She asked him about his day and they spend lunch and some breaks together. Phil was passing by a large column of lockers when he saw Cath.
"Hello, phil!" She greeted him cheerfully as she waved at him. "Nice to see you too cath." Phil said as he walked to where she was. "Anything new?" Phil asked. "Wellll.. -she started-" "what" " i heard josie say we are going to have to do an essay for history class.."
"Hum." Phil said and then the bell rang. " i think we should get going then or we'll be late."
Their first class on that day was history. Their teacher was Mr. Nithwaithe. He was a tall man with short brown hair and brown eyes as well. Phil initially thought he was a man in his fifties because he used reading glasses which made him lool older but he was actually thirty-something. A lot of girls in phil's class seamed to have a crush on him. Phil didn't understand why. He agreed mr. Nithwaithe was a handsome man but that was just ridiculous in his opinion.Mr. Nithwaite was phil's favourite teacher and everyone in his class really liked him too. He was his "cool" teacher.
Song (as phil and cath go to class): fall out boy, "centuries"
After passing through a couple corridors, they arrived in class. It seemed they had taken a lot of time to get there but they actually were one of the first to arrive in class. Their classroom was big with 3 colums of tables. The middle one, where phil sat had four and others had three. After a while,class started. Everyone was in a fuss. Everywhere he turned there where people talking. "What are you talking about?" He asked "oh we are talking about the essays haven't you heard?" A girl said "um, yes. What's the big deal?" He hesitated. "You aren't talking about the top hat aren't you" the girl nodded. "Oh boy." Phil thought. He looked around and mr.Nithwaite was nowhere to be seen. "Oh god, its coming"although his school was pretty serious they seemed to go cuckoo for every little thing. His teacher liked to use a old top hat with little paper pieces with their names and use it to sort out people in groups when they had to do essays like it was the lottery or something
Phil was staring at the ceiling when his teacher entered the room once again holding a box he put on his desk. Silence fell. "Class" he greated them "i have something for you today i think you will like..-and he took a top hat out of the box- tah-dah! You'll be doing an essay. I want you to be creative and use your imagination on this project. History isn't just about kings and queens and wars and things to bore you. It can also be a exciting thing. It's everywhere. In music, books, telly..and can have a impact in society and the way people think alike. Now, i want you to use something you know and find intresting and tell me it's history , its importance and impact. Alright. Let's sort you out shall we" He picked up the top hat and then took out a piece of paper. "Samantha Borsten?" a girl got up and walked to front of class. "Let's see who we're pairing you up with. Drum Roll please...." and someone in the front row started hitting their table making a kind of drum-roll-y sound ' tan tan tan' the class cheered. " Josie Loftstield and...." "Caity Dunnen" the girls got up to where the first one was standing and high fived each other before walking to their seats as they laughed between them. "Second Group! Alright!" "Our Second group is...." phil was too busy drawing in his notebook as they announced the groups. he drawed a forest from a dream he had. the trees were so big phil almost felt he could get lost just in the thought of it.
Echoes (Phan)
FanfictionAt 17, Phil has never had a real friend. Used to constantly moving away, he never had the time to do so. But when he moves to his new school, everything changes and phil is brought up to dan and his friend amelia for a school project. but phil hid...