Unpopular opinions

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Or everyone shares these???anyhow-

-kokichi is kind of a bad person yall.You have to admit he did trick a person into murder and was completely proud of his actions.I respect anyone who calls him a soft little uwu baby but I dont personally see him as the sweet boy alot of the fandom calls him,the last thing I'll say is that he wasnt an amazing person and saying that it was for the sake of hope still is bullshit imo??like even Nagitos crazy ass could control himself and not offhandedly kill three people.Kokichi is fine just some of his actions make me wanna 🚶‍♂️

-Its valid to hate Hifumi for being a guy pervert and think Miu is better,you can differentiate personality traits and between the two of them I personally think Miu was nicer?idk how to put it but she wasnt a fucking anime sexual who saylw themself above others for writing porn on fictional characters.

-shuichi was such an interesting concept for a protag bc he was genuinely insecure and recognized the pain he was causing others while still trying to help,they just wrote him off badly in some ways.

-on the topic of protags,Hajime literally was like...so interesting??again kodaka just sucks at writing characters but the twist of Hajime being the mastermind was like so interesting?I just couldnt understand the plot twist at all.maybe I'm slow.

-this fandom has a problem with fetishizing gay men and mlm relationships,its fine to ship more mlm ships then others I totally get it most characters are so queer coded.But it's a problem when your a woman who is willing to dox people over multiple mlm ships and you dumb all those characters down to "gay uwu soft boys"if you do that that then pls leave at your exit to the left🚪😐

-KaedexKaito is underrated and their personalities matched so well but their potential for a friendship/relationship is overwhelmed by Kaimaki,Irumatsu,and Saimatsu(I ship harumatsu more but I'm more attached to rare pairs)

-dont fucking dox people over pixels yall,I get you have emotional attachments to the characters but they are PIXELS yall.PIXELS.If you dox people over pixels I dont know what to say to you,just..go cry abt saiouma and how it will never be canon.(I respect saiouma shippers don't dox me lmao)

-On that note,dont spoil the game for people.If you spoil the games for people then PLEASE fuck off.You literally can go cry bc the game was spoiled for you,its only worse to do it to others and continue the cycle.

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