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3rd person POV:

After the world's worst villain, Oab was slain, peace filled the world.

Tay and Off were initially guilt-stricken. They had never killed anyone before, and never wanted to. Even if Oab deserved it, they hadn't wanted him dead. Tay felt responsible for causing the building to collapse. He felt that he had caused Off to stab Oab and prevented them from rescuing him due to the falling building. Off felt equally guilty for having stabbed Oab.

But New and Gun were there for them.

And huge celebration was held in honor of the heros, taking their minds off the issue. In the end, everyone was happy.

Oab's words about GMMA worried New, but when he saw the happy smiles on his friends and lover's faces, he shoved it to the back of his mind.

Off and Gun got married last month and were somewhere having their honeymoon.

Krist and Singto were already married, so they decided to adopt a kid and start a family.

New and Tay also got married just last week. It was a small, humble ceremony because New didn't want it to become a huge fuss, and Tay said yes to whatever New wanted, except for the colour scheme of the ballroom. It had to be the perfect shade of blue. But a little bit of pink was fine too.

Everything was going well, until the morning Off handed him the flashdrive.

He had totally forgotten about it.

He told GMMA there was nothing left because he assumed that it had disintegrated along with his protective gear, but Off had picked it up the moment he heard it fall onto the ground.

That very same night, he disappeared.


<< October 10th 2020 - The day New disappeared >>

"Peng! Peng! Peng!" Tay called his friend anxiously as he paced around the room. He was on the verge of a breakdown.

"I can't help you on this one, old man." Off sighed as he watched his best friend amble around the room, hair all dishelved from running his fingers through it one too many times. He shook his head in resignation. He couldn't wrap his head around how stupid his friend was.

"I didn't mean to!" Tay looked like he was going to cry.

He had accidentally disintergrated his wedding ring.

<<a few hours ago>>

Tay was volunteering at a nursery for disabled children as usual, and they had begged him to show them his powers. He had only meant to disintergrate a piece of paper, but he forgot that anything he touched would also disintergrate - that meant that the ring on his finger would too.

And it did.

His face went white the moment he saw the shiny silver ring turn to dust. He ran home immediately and desperately apologized to his hin on his knees.

New was calm when Tay confessed his sins, but that just made Tay more anxious. It scared him more when New was being quiet when angry. He rather New scream and hit him.

"Why did you use your powers?" He had asked calmly.

Tay flinched at his question, a look of remorse washing over his face as he gulped.

"I-I uh, the c-children wanted to see." He said softly, guilt written all over his face.

"And if they got hurt?" New's eyes were sharp as his words struck Tay like a bullet.

Tay lowered his gaze. He had nothing to say. He was guilty and it was his fault. His powers were disastrous and if he wasn't careful, he could've hurt everyone there, possibly killed them even. It was honestly a relief the only thing that disintergrated was his ring.

Tay jumped when he heard New sigh.

"Give me your hand." New commanded.

Tay meekly stretched out his fist without hesitation. His eyes widened in panic as New removed his own ring from his left finger and placed it onto his palm.

"I- hin, what- hin-" Tay stuttered, heart beating wildly in his chest as he felt his eyes sting. He couldn't speak properly from the shock.

"Activate your powers." New said casually.

"What?" Tay blinked, confusion and panic clear in his voice.

"I said, active your powers." New repeated.

"B-but then your ring will..." Tay trailed off. He was on the verge of crying already. Was New divorcing him?!

"Te." New frowned.

"N-no." Tay began sobbing. "I will never."

"I don't want to be left with only half the set of a wedding ring. I'm not wearing it and I don't want it." New's eyes were cold and his words hit Tay deep.

"Te." He said calmly, but his voice was menacing. "Either we both have rings or we don't."

Tay was bawling as the ring turned to dust in his hands.

"Buy us a new one." New simply said before getting up and leaving the house.

He didn't even offer Tay a hug, or say goodbye, which made Tay even more sure that New was really angry at him. He didn't realize Off was in his house too, and went on a full breakdown as he cried on the floor. The moment he finally noticed Off's presence, he ran to hug his Peng.

"NEW HATES ME." He wailed.

Off was so done with his friend.

<<back to the present>>

"He told you to buy new rings. Which means as long as you buy him new ones, he'll forgive you." Off sighed.

"Really?" Tay sniffed.

"Yes, so get off me already." Off grumbled.

"Speaking of which, why are you even here?" Tay suddenly asked.

"Oh, just to pass him something." Off said.

"Pass him what?" Tay asked suspiciously.

"Worry about the rings you're going to buy instead, Peng." Off rolled his eyes as he got up to leave.

"Aow! You're leaving?? Help me choose the rings, Peng!" Tay hurriedly grabbed Off's arm, pleading with desperate eyes.

"Choose it yourself!" Off growled.

But he went along with Tay to ring shopping anyways.

Tay had been moping about how New hated him and was angry at him until Off couldn't stand it anymore. He texted Gun and soon recieved a screenshot of a conversation.

Sighing, he shoved the picture in Tay's face.

Gun: I can't believe he did that.

New: Why did I fall in love with such an idiot?

New: I don't know why I love such a disaster.

Gun: ew.

As if all the weight in his shoulder had been lifted, Tay immediately brightened up, skipping as he politely asked for the most expensive and most popular ring the best jewelrey store had to offer.

But that was the last time anyone had heard from New.

Sure, it was an eventful day, but it seemed to be a rather normal one like any other. No one would've expected New to suddenly disappear without even leaving a message that day.

And certainly not Tay.

"I KNEW IT. HIN HATES ME." Tay bawled his eyes out that night with a very, very tired Off beside him.



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