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(idea from @/ crystal_rose3099 on Tik Tok)

In this city there are multiple deaths from different areas. One area was there a small family lives. A young boy named Tommy was getting ready for school. He adores his family looking up to each and every one of them. His father Phil was sitting in the kitchen. Weapons were out with a file. He was drinking his coffee while reading through the file. Tommy rushes into the kitchen to grab something to eat. "Whoa slow down before you hurt yourself" Phil closes the file looking at his youngest son. Tommy holds onto a bowl of custard creams. "Papa I'm in a hurry to get to school!" He takes one out shoving it into his mouth. "Are your brother's awake?" Phil asks watching Tommy put on his back pack. "I don't know" Tommy says with a mouth full of the biscuit.

As if on cue, Wilbur and Techno come rushing down the stairs. Techno's outfit looks all dirty and wrinkled while Wilbur's looks very neat and clean. "Are you two ready for school?" Phil asks getting up approaching the two. He dusts off Techno making sure he looks decent. "Yup and I have the keys so I can drive the gremlin to school" Tommy's eyes lit up at this. "Can we pick up Tubbo as well?" He had his hands on the straps of the backpack. He was excited to see his best friend. Wilbur looks at Tommy who he was referring to. "The bee kid?" Tommy nods his head fast. "I guess we could" He throws his fist in the air before exiting the house. Phil makes sure Tommy is out and can't hear them. "You two have a little mission after school" Techno smirks at this while Wilbur nods his head.

"Have fun and don't get into trouble" With that Wilbur and Techno exit the house. Tommy was waiting by the door of the car. He was playing around with a friendship bracelet Tubbo gave him. "It's so childish" He mutters staring down at the bracelet. "Yet you're wearing it" Wilbur makes his way to the drivers side of the car. Tommy looks up at his siblings. "If I'm not wearing it, it'll make him sad. I don't want him upset" Techno stood at the passenger seat waiting for Wilbur to unlock the car. Wilbur unlocks the car opening it up. Techno and Tommy get in putting on their seat belts. You think living with the godfather as your dad would be tough. It really isn't. Phil cares about his children. People already know his wrath if you even mess with one of them. Doesn't stop the opposing Mafia's to hurt them.

After a few minutes, Tommy and Tubbo get dropped off at their school. "Goodbye Wilbur and Techno!" Tubbo waves goodbye at the two teenagers. Tommy was already walking away with a smile. Tubbo turns around running up to his friend. "Tommy you're not going to say bye to your brothers?" Tommy looks at Tubbo rolling his eyes. "Look Big T. I see them afterwards so it's pointless saying goodbye" Tubbo mouths "Oh" while looking forward. Tommy laughs nudging Tubbo. "Let's hurry to class idiot" The two start running down the hall despite the teachers telling them to not run.

Later on towards the end of the school day, Tommy stood at the front of the school waiting for Tubbo. He kicks the tiny rocks letting out a sigh. He hears footsteps coming towards him. He turns around thinking it was Tubbo. Oh was he very wrong. "Took you long enou-" His face was met with a fist. He stares at the popular kid in the face. "What the fuck?!" The kid spits on him glaring him down. "YOU'RE A FUCKING TERRORIST BITCH BOY" Tommy grabs onto the cheek that was punched. "I-Im not a terrorist!" The kid rolls his eyes pushing him to the ground. "Yes you are.. You and your stupid family" Tommy was getting up when the kid kicked him. "They're not stupid.." He says quietly while trying to protect his body. "Get away from him!" A voice yells making the kid run away from him. Tommy was helped up by Tubbo. "Thanks Big T" Tubbo smiles dusting off Tommy. "Don't listen to him T money" He says looking at Tommy who was looking at his red hands. "Am I a terrorist?"

The car drives up revealing Wilbur and Techno. "Hurry up Tommy and Tubbo. Dad wants us to take you two home before we get to work" Wilbur wasn't looking at the two. Tommy and Tubbo rush into the back seats. Once they were buckled up they drove off. First they dropped off Tubbo at his place. Then they headed to their place. "Dream and Sapnap are always tryhards when it comes to sports" Wilbur complains making Techno chuckle. "You're only complaining because you're out of shape Will" Techno looks out the window before earning a slight smack on his arm. "Fuck you! I'm in shape!" The two started bickering the whole ride home.

Tommy was the last one to enter the home. That's when they noticed his clothes all dirty, his bruised cheek, and his red hands. "What happened?" Phil asks watching Tommy try so hard to not tear up. "Papa a kid told me I'm a terrorist.." Techno huffs at this pinching the bridge of his nose. Wilbur crosses his arms. "Then he hurt you" Tommy miss his head before playing with the bracelet. "But Tubbo saved me!" Phil looks at his two sons clearly angered. The two knew the look with Techno smiling. "Son what was this kids name?" Tommy looks up at his father. "Justin" The two brothers immediately left the house. Tommy was confused and worried. "Why did you ask?" Phil shushes him gesturing to the made food. "Let's eat dinner"

A kid wakes up in a dark place frightened. He looks around frantically trying to get out of the restraints. The lights turn on revealing Phil with a slip-joint in his hands. "Hello Justin" Justin stares at the tool shaking his head. "How do you know my name?" Phil shakes his head approaching the young boy. That's when Techno and Wilbur reveal themselves. Techno with a knife and Wilbur with a bat. "Please be quiet. My youngest is asleep" Justin's head was pulled back by a mysterious figure. "It'd be a shame if you woke Tommy up" Tears well up in the young boy's eyes. Phil uses the pliers taking out each and everyone of the child's teeth. Justin screams but not loud enough for Tommy to hear.

"That's for calling my son a terrorist. Techno" Techno approaches Justin with his knife before a couple were dragged into the room. "Let us go!" The wife says before looking at her son. "Justin!" Justin whines while Techno gestures for Wilbur to start beating up the parents. Wilbur lets out a apology to the couple before smashing their heads with the bat. "This is for hurting my son" The couple's blood of pool can be seen on the ground. Blood was on Wilbur's face as he stops beating them up. Techno smirks holding the blade next to the kid's neck. "And this is so even in the afterlife you'll remember what you did" He stabs Justin in the neck as blood drips down. The three watch the life drain from Justin's eyes. "Alright you two. Go clean yourselves and go to bed. Tomorrow you'll do the mission that I delayed today"

"Alright Father"

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