****** joined the game

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(inspired by @/ hambalbeesart art ^ on insta)

Tommy was having a stressful day. He had to take care of Tubbo in the morning due to the other's nightmares, he trained with Techno, helps Niki with decoration, and currently is talking to Wilbur. Wilbur is going on about the bombs with Tommy. Tommy and Quackity already convinced him bombs aren't the ideal way. Yet, Wilbur is still insisting they blow up Manberg. Tommy sighs shaking his head. "Wilbur stop. We've already gone over this! We're not going to blow up Manberg!" Wilbur smiles a sadistic smile. "Oh Tommy~" He sang getting closer to Tommy. "We agreed to blow up Manberg as the second option! Also who made you leader?" He grabs Tommy by the collar lifting the young boy off the ground.

Tommy grabs Wilbur's arm a bit scared. "Wilbur you're too unstable to be leader!" Wilbur laughs turning his other hand into a fist. Tommy stares at the fist shaking his head. "I'M NOT UNSTABLE TOMMY! I'M YOUR FUCKING LEADER AND YOU'RE MY RIGHT HAND MAN! NO QUESTIONS!" Wilbur's fist collides onto Tommy's cheek. He drops Tommy to the ground. Techno rushes in after hearing the shouting. "What happened?" Tommy lays on the ground staring at their feet. His eyes were dull, emotionless, and tired. Wilbur looks at Techno with a smile. "I only got upset. Nothing bad" He soon leaves the two alone.

"Are you alright?" Spoke a honey like voice. Tubbo walked in seeing the bruise form on Tommy's cheek. Techno stood watching Tubbo help Tommy up. Or attempt to help Tommy up. Tommy didn't take the others help pushing himself off the ground. Once Tommy was standing, Tubbo gently touches his bruised cheek. Tommy hisses at the touch trying to move away from Tubbo. "Tommy..." Tubbo sighs moving his hand away. "I'm fine Tubbo. I'm fine! I'll be running around the server if you need me" Tommy grabs the back pack before heading up to the surface.

Tommy sits on the tower with his legs dangling. "He hurt you again..." He turns around alarmed only to see the masked man. "Fuck! Atleast say you're there Dream!" He looks back at where the sunset should be. Dream sits next to him. "Let me see your cheek" Tommy shakes his head scooting away from Dream. "Fuck off. I don't need your pity" Dream sighs looking ahead. "I want to tell you someone you know will be joining the server soon" Tommy looks at Dream confused. "Who?" Dream stayed silent as his mask kept smiling down at him. "You'll know soon..."

A week later, Tommy was in a heated argument with Wilbur in front of everyone. "YOU'RE NOT THINKING RATIONALLY WILBUR! THINK OF ALL THE LIVES AND YOUR SO-" Wilbur punches Tommy making the other stumble back. "Don't you EVER say that word ever again!" Tommy wipes the blood from his nose. Tubbo soon gets in between them. "Tubbo move please" Tommy says trying to move Tubbo so he won't get hurt. Tubbo stood his ground fed up with Tommy just letting Wilbur hit him. "No! Wilbur stop hurting Tommy! The bomb isn't the best choice!"

"Tu-" Before Wilbur could hurt Tubbo, Techno grabs his wrist preventing it. "Enough Wilbur" Quackity and Niki just stood and stared silently. Tubbo immediately tried to  help out Tommy. Tommy pushes him away claiming he was fine. He clearly wasn't. Tubbo grabs Tommy's wrist dragging him away. Wilbur only smiles as Techno drags him away as well. "My right hand man..." He says loud enough for Tommy to hear. Tommy looks behind him seeing Wilbur go out of view.

"Tommy you're not okay! I don't know why you keep trying to convince him" Tubbo had plugged up the area where the blood was coming from. "He still has morals Tubbo. I can help him-" Tommy was cut off by a familiar voice. "You've been trying for weeks" Dream. "Dream what the hell are you doing here?" Tubbo smiles at Dream's presence. Tommy crosses his arms annoyed. "Look Tommy. You won't be able to save Wilbur from himself... I don't think anyone can" Dream stares at Tommy through his mask.

"Don't fucking tell me shit! You were the one to gave him the TNT willingly Dream!" Tommy got up getting closer to Dream only for Tubbo to pull him down. Dream sighs closing his eyes. "Two more days until the new person joins" Tommy scoffs looking away while getting Tubbo off of him. "Probably one of your stupid friends" Dream shook his head at this. "He's one of yours Tommy. I've already told you this" Tubbo listens to them pulling the bloody tissue out of Tommy's nose. Tommy swats Tubbo's hand away when Tubbo tried to check out his bruised eye. Tubbo sighs crossing his arms.

Two days later, Tommy was by himself in the community house. He just wanted to be away from Pogtopia. His face was all bruised. His body was bruised as well. His arms had a lot of band-aids on them. His legs also had band-aids on them. He breathes in deeply closing his eyes. "We can still help him to realize it's wrong. We can't give up on him" He says to himself. Then that magical sound when someone joins can be heard. He opens his eyes at a yellow rectangle reading the text. His breathing and heart stopped.

Wilbur smiles at the winged man who enters Pogtopia. Arms wide and open. Tommy and Tubbo behind him. Techno and the winged man catch eyes. Techno nods his head as if the winged man's eyes asks something. "Welcome Phil!" Wilbur says towards the man named Philza. Philza looks at Tommy who was bruised up. Tommy noticed his gaze putting on a fake smile. Phil approaches Wilbur who expected a hug only to get smacked in the face. The room was silent with Wilbur's eyes widening. "This is what you do while I'm gone? You hurt your brother?!" Phil yells activating Dad mode. "I-" Wilbur falls to his knees hugging himself. Thoughts racing.

Techno stood still watching Phil immediately pull Tommy into a hug. "Wha-" Tommy says as Philza hugged him. "I-I don't dese-" Phil shushes him. "Tommy let it all out" Tommy felt the tears already form. He hugs Philza tightly covering his face in his shoulder. "You're safe" Philza soon pulls Tubbo in the hug too. Tubbo smiles at the safety of the embrace. Techno now joins the group hug.

Wilbur is so cold...

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