(~Chapter One~)

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Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

    My family silent, leaving my eardrums ringing with each click of our grandfather clock near the window. Time was passing, somehow louder than us, as we sat at that table. My eyes darted the room, examining the almost lifeless expressions of my mother, a kindhearted woman, who was rather quiet and submissive. The cutesy aura of my younger sister, who unlike the rest of us, ignored the business world and focused on the more simple things. And then comes the overbearing presence of him. My father. Marcus Woodsend. CEO of Woodsend Medical Industries.

    "Kieran. You're staring again." His voice boomed, as I quickly shot up and shook my head.    "Sorry sir. It won't happen again." I muttered, simply looking back down to the food that had been prepared. Poking at the dull, lifeless colors, as my stomach let out a small sound of hunger. I scooped up some of the food with my fork, eating quietly, and politely. The cold metal pressing against my skin as I slowly breathe in. Spacing out, staring into the colorless soup, next to my plate as my father rambled on.

"Are you listening, Kieran?", my mother asked, snapping my zoning out, and bringing my attention back to the table. I look between her and my father, nodding, and lying to them.

    "Yep." I responded simply, popping the "P" on the end of the word. I looked over to my father, who seemed to be staring daggers into my forehead. After adjusting in my seat a little, I once more looked him in the eye with confidence.

"What?" I inquired, looking at him.

"You heard me mention that Emily will be moving in later tonight?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Your room better be ready. You will be sharing it with your future bride."

I nod, before looking over to my mother

"May I be excused?"

"You may." She nods, as I stand to my feet and head for my room, sighing softly as I plop down on the bed.

My name is Kieran Woodsend. Other than being a powerful heir in the medical industry,  I am the average 17 year old american boy. Well. as average as you can be when your parents are part of the elites. My bed stays messy, I always stay up late reading comic books, and I have had my hair dyed every time my roots showed, to a plain, and cold silver.

After scooting the pile of comics away, leaving me a small spot to sit, looking out at the sunset. Oh yeah. I'm Colorblind. But that's okay, because everyone starts out like that. Rumor has it, that you can see colors, only after you touch your soulmate. Anyways, I like looking at things and guessing the colors. However, little did I know that someone else was watching that same sunset, neither of us seeing the mix of colors that make it.

A sigh escaped my lips, as I slowly stood to my feet and began cleaning my bed off, stacking my comics neatly on a nearby dresser, and chuckling as I looked at one of my favorites. It was a Japanese comic, translated into English, about this superhero named "All Might". He was super strong, and big and muscular. But not only that. He was always cheerful, and saved everyone he could, with a big smile on his face. He always ranked number one hero, which only made the number two hero, Endeavor mad, always. He was a fire hero- wait I'm getting too excited about this. I should stop-

Anyways, after sorting my comics, I gazed over at a family photo on my dresser. It was me, and my older brother, smiling. He was covered in multiple different colors, saying he knew every single one. He was just coming home from an event called 'Pride'. He knew he would get in trouble, but wanted me to keep the photo, so I could learn the colors. On the back was his number, written out in black pen. I haven't seen him since.

I look up at the time, and sigh, before heading out for the foyer and running into one of our servants, and a personal childhood friend of mine, Mikoto Shimamura.

"Miko, can you call for my car up here?" I ask him plainly, approaching him as he stood near the door

He looked at me, before sighing and nodding, looking tired and worn out. Me and Mikoto have been friends for as long as I can remember, his parents working the garden outside. We grew up playing in the garden, pretending to be superheroes, and such. He's truly my only friend. I give him a slight look, and he nods, as if understanding what I meant. Basically, this is how it went.Me: I have to tell you about so much shit later, kill me-Mikoto: Mood. you got it bro.

That's just how good of friends we are. Anyways, my car rolled up as I waved Mikoto goodbye. And with that, I hopped in and headed for a usual spot. The library. As we pulled to the front, I got out and walked for the entrance, the driver speeding away into a parking spot.

Walking in was a familiar sight. A warm array of black and white, and a flash wave of comfortable heat in this cold winter. The smell of freshly brewed coffee, and crisp, new pages fill the air. I head back for the source of the coffee smell, and see a friendly face working the counter. He smiles over to me, looking me in the eyes.His voice was light, yet weighed down by his own emotion. It was sweet, and caring. His aroma filled with the scent of coffee and sugar. "And what can i get you today, sir?" He asks me, bringing a slight warmth to my face. I take a deep breath and chuckle a little."Just a simple coffee. No cream. Sugar." I respond, looking down to my left at some random book brochures.  He nods and goes to work on the drink as I stand to the receiving end of the counter, so the next person can make their order. He finishes and hands me my cup.His fingers brush mine, as i quickly put my cup down and hold my head. Pain. as if my skull was being split open. But only for a split second. And he sounded like he was going through it too. I kept my eyes shut as i caught my breath."S-Sir...?" He asks me, holding his hand out to meI open my eyes and look up to him.     Pink...?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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